
Latest commentary

Donald Trump has been running two separate campaigns.

A tawdry tale of two Trumps

The charges of flip-flopping and lying would damage rather than bolster a traditional candidate. But for Donald Trump, the lying and evasion is part of the appeal.

Can men have it all?

If Stephen Conroy can't have it all can any man?

More and more senior men are coming out and saying the CEO gigs aren't all they are cracked up to be.

Syria a brutal time warp to Cold War rivalry

Islamic State fighters in Raqqa, Syria.

Before we get to Russia, the angry "stunt" in New York, the US (and Australian) warplanes bombing during a supposed truce in Syria, take a moment to pause and remember the terrible massacre at Srebrenica.

ACT Health's economy measures will undermine the Canberra hospital

Front-line staff are already stretched but ACT Health is considering saving money by reducing or terminating the ...

ACT Health has told the managers at Canberra Hospital that they have to save $96 million over the next three years starting this year. Clearly they want to save money, but at what cost? Is the plan that services should be reduced or is it that staff should "simply" do more with less?

Hungary: closing the border

Gwynne Dyer thumbnail

"Hungary is not far away from issuing orders to open fire on refugees," said one of the European Union's foreign ministers on Tuesday, and called for the country to be suspended or even expelled from the EU because of its "massive violation" of the EU's fundamental values. And it's true that Hungary has built a 175 kilometre razor-wire fence along its southern border to keep migrants out.

Climate policy's house of cards


There are the pragmatists willing to compromise to get at least something, and then there are the idealists who stick to their principles and end up with nothing. Or so the argument goes.