Small Business

How to avoid the most common pitfalls entrepreneurs make

Early-stage venture founders who make the distance all share some common traits. What are they?

It's the gap between disruption and dismal, innovation and imitation.

What sets successful entrepreneurs apart from the failures has been gnawed at for decades. Now a new study has pinpointed the reasons why some boom and others bomb.

Christine Manning and Ian Ugarte
Christine Manning and Ian Ugarte Photo: Supplied

The research found high-performing entrepreneurs are 27 per cent more focused on personal and organisational power and 20 per cent more motivated by money than their unsuccessful counterparts.

Those in early stage ventures who spend more time focused on business structure, planning and systems were more likely to fail. The Can Entrepreneurial Success Be Predicted? study found entrepreneurs with a high focus on structure and procedure usually over-prioritise their limited resources on planning. This causes them to be too slow or lose momentum on testing and implementing their concepts.

Entrepreneurs that focus on details too much tend not to suceed.
Entrepreneurs that focus on details too much tend not to suceed. 

Study author and personal coach Michelle Duval says entrepreneurs in this category usually spend too much time and money in setting up their business.

"We know from our findings if people get too caught up in structure, detail and systems what's going to happen early on is they're going to run out of money far too quickly," she says.


"They're not out there actively working and engaging with people. So in the early stages of the venture what's most important is getting to market as quickly as they can and using the minimal resources they have."

Start-ups need structure to scale, but Duval's study showed it's initially a low priority for successful entrepreneurs.

Michelle Duval
Michelle Duval Photo: Supplied

"In the context of an early stage venture, being focused on detail and structure were correlated with failure," she says.

"They're not bad things, it's just about what stage the venture reaches maturity. Those things need to increase as the venture becomes stable and mature.

"If they didn't increase the structure and detail that was correlated with failure as they go along."

Duval canvassed the attitudes and motivations of 96 business owners representing 218 businesses. Between 2009 and 2013, they were surveyed on how they prioritised money, rules, consulting others in decisions and time usage.

The findings revealed successful early-stage venture founders were 24 per cent more likely to use abstract thinking and communication skills than those who experienced failure.

"Global abstract thinking allows people to move rapidly because they don't need to go down into concrete-thinking details to get the gist of something," Duval says.

"It's big-picture thinking – seeing the bigger view of something whereas detail thinking is having to go down into the minutiae of what the font looks like and the layout looks like. So it means they don't need to tick off all the details to understand something."

Serial entrepreneur Ian Ugarte was one of the business owners studied for Duval's research. Together with partner Christine Manning, he owns four businesses across the property advisory and building industries.

Before the Sunshine Coast pair sought help from Duval's Fingerprint for Success coaching, they were struggling to keep any business alive for longer than 18 months.

"We were basically on our last legs," Ugarte says.

"We had a property portfolio that was dragging us under. We had businesses that were making losses. We really actually couldn't afford a coaching program – that was the stage we were at.

"We were credit carding to afford the coaching and it was our last-ditch effort. We knew if we didn't do it we were gone."

In hindsight, Ugarte says his dislike for "the sameness" of his work was unravelling his business ambitions.

"What I've found out since then is 18 months is usually the key point where people get itchy feet and they can't do the same thing over and over again," he says.

"The problem with that is there's things you need to do in your business on a daily basis. I wasn't doing those things."

Despite thinking he was highly motivated by money, Ugarte says he wasn't motivated as much as he needed to be. He now says he prioritises money by developing and sticking to budgets and being strict about spending.

Since 2010, revenue has increased by 482 per cent and profitability by 403 per cent.

"That change has meant that we actually make good money now in development and that focus on money is the No.1 priority – not just in property, in any entrepreneurial sense," he says.

"Because if you're not watching the dollar you're going to run out of runway and without runway your plane can't take off."