- published: 13 Sep 2016
- views: 890
ECB Electronic Circuit Board
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Who takes care of the euro? What is inflation ? Why is price stability important for you? Find the answers to these questions and more in this three-minute introduction to the ECB and the Eurosystem's role and tasks. To discover more about the ECB, please visit http://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb
Nout Wellink (71) zat bijna 30 jaar in de directie van De Nederlandsche Bank, waar hij als president in 2011 door Klaas Knot werd opgevolgd. Momenteel is hij alleen nog commissaris bij de Chinese Staatsbank Bank of China. Na de crisis van 2008 werd hij, mede door Willem Middelkoop, verantwoordelijk gehouden voor het tekort schieten van het toezicht op de financiële sector. De waakhond was volgens Willem een schoothond geworden. De tijd van het grote afrekenen is nu wel voorbij. Daarom nu een bijzonder open gesprek tussen de voormalige financiële beleidsmaker en zijn criticus, die elkaar nooit eerder direct getroffen, over de huidige stand van zaken. Een donatie aan Café Weltschmerz is een aandeel in een betere samenleving. Ondersteun Café Weltschmerz! NL23 TRIO 0390 4379 13
At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.00%, 0.25% and -0.40% respectively.
At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.00%, 0.25% and -0.40% respectively. The Governing Council continues to expect the key ECB interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time, and well past the horizon of the net asset purchases.
April 15 -- European Central Bank President Mario Draghi was attacked by a protester yelling "end the ECB dictatorship" during a press conference today. The event resumed a few minutes later. --Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Bloomberg Bloomberg Television offers extensive coverage and analysis of international business news and stories of global importance. It is available in more than 310 million households worldwide and reaches the most affluent and influential viewers in terms of household income, asset value and education levels. With production hubs in London, New York and Hong Kong, the network provides 24-hour continuous coverage of the people, companies and ideas that move the markets.
At today’s meeting, which was held in Vienna, the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.00%, 0.25% and -0.40% respectively.
At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB took the following monetary policy decisions: (1) The interest rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem will be decreased by 5 basis points to 0.00%, starting from the operation to be settled on 16 March 2016. (2) The interest rate on the marginal lending facility will be decreased by 5 basis points to 0.25%, with effect from 16 March 2016. (3) The interest rate on the deposit facility will be decreased by 10 basis points to -0.40%, with effect from 16 March 2016. (4) The monthly purchases under the asset purchase programme will be expanded to €80 billion starting in April. (5) Investment grade euro-denominated bonds issued by non-bank corporations established in the euro area will be included in the list of assets that a...
Video of HENDRIK ECB BEIKIRCH creating a huge mural in Mannheim for the MONTANA-CANS partner project STADT.WAND.KUNST 2016: 13floors / 44m high / 1300m² – portrait "Vera", as part of Hendrik Beikirch's "Siberia series"... More images at: https://www.montana-cans.com/montana-blog/2016/09/09/ecb-for-stadt-wand-kunst-in-mannheim-germany/
◆引用:ECBのテーパリング観測は異常な金融緩和策の終焉を示唆か --- 久保田 博幸(アゴラ) - Yahoo!ニュース http://zasshi.news.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20161007-00010008-agora-bus_all #Yahooニュース ◆音声:CeVIO Creative Studio S(さとうさらら) ■おすすめ動画 シン・ニッポン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZal1v-BYQuXoHQTUz1R1hg/feed 橋下徹歴史に残るすごい論破!ふざけた在日記者を大説教【完全勝利】 国会 足立康史(維新) 開始20秒で蓮舫の二重国籍を爆笑フルボッコ!民進党はヤジ!安倍晋三論破!最新面白国会中継2016年10月3日 石破茂vs菅直人 パニック答弁を論破して激怒!神質問が面白い国会中継! ■おすすめ動画 日本新選組 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkJ9GHkrDrseEWEkMmz6uaw 稲田朋美 防衛大臣 涙の理由に感動せずにはいられない…国会中継で思わず見せてしまった本当の政治家の心 辻元清美が論破したかのように見えるが本当は違う!知ってほしいこと 稲田朋美 防衛大臣の神対応!民進党議員に日本語を教えてあげる!優しい論破に感動すら覚える面白い国会中継 2016 最新9月30日 蓮舫 涙目で泣きそうな国会中継!森まさこの激しい追及!まったくの正論で論破される女のガチバトル!反論も即ブーメランで太刀打ちできない!面白い国会中継 ■おすすめ動画 ⇒韓国崩壊チャンネル https://goo.gl/QH2wqO 【韓国経済崩壊】韓国専門家が日本の態度に恐怖で怯えるwww『日本人に謝罪要求したら逆効果だ…』 【韓国経済崩壊】韓国の反日主張が専...
Asya seansında takip ettiğimiz önemli bir veri yoktu. Günün devamında ilk olarak Almanya'dan Fabrika Siparişleri verisini takip ettik. Avrupa'nın en büyük ekonomilerinden Almanya'daki imalatçılara verilen yeni siparişleri ölçen veride geçtiğimiz aya paralel bir beklenti vardı. Beklentiyi oldukça aşan veride %1 düzeyinde artış gördük. 14:30'da açıklanan Avrupa Merkez Bankasının yapmış olduğu son toplantının tutanaklarını takip ettik. ECB'nin eylül ayı para politikası toplantı tutanaklarında, aylık 80 milyar euroluk varlık alım programının 2017 yılının mart ayına kadar devam edeceği ve gerekirse daha da uzatılabileceği belirtildi. Saat 15:30 da ise ABD'den Haftalık İşsizlik Maaşı Başvuruları açıklandı. Haftalık bazda açıklanan İşsizlik Maaşı almak için başvuran kişilerin sayısındaki deği...
JPMorgan Asset Management Global Strategist Thushka Maharaj discusses ECB monetary policy.
Tesco thrills but FTSE falters on ECB taper fear Tesco thrills but FTSE falters on ECB taper fear Thank for watching! Don't forget subscribe this channel to watch more video. Read more: http://citywire.co.uk/money/tesco-thrills-but-ftse-falters-on-ecb-taper-fear/a955173?ref=citywire-money-investments-list
Q. 금값 3년만에 최저치…금값 폭락의 의미는? -금값, 단기간에 너무 많이 올랐다는 점도 최근 급락의 한 원인 -최근 급락한 만큼 상승의 모멘텀을 찾아야 Q. ECB 테이퍼링 예상…유럽발 긴축발작의 시작인가? -너무 장기간 산소호흡기를 달고 있었다는 점 -유럽경제 호조되는 모습, 경제지표 호조…소매판매, 실업률, 소비자물가 3개월 연속 플러스 기록 -신규자동차등록수가 늘어났다는 점 Q. 미국 대선 2차 토론 예정, 관전포인트는? - 2차 토론에도 특정 후보가 두각을 나타낼지는 미지수, 불확실성은 키울 듯 -주가, 금리, 환율과 같은 경제변수의 흐름도 달라진다는 주장은 단골메뉴 -VUCA시대. ‘변동성이 크고(volatile), 불확실하며(uncertain), 복잡하고(complex), 모호한(ambiguous)’ 상황 Q. 최근 국내 증시의 외국인 스탠스는? -펀더멘털상 환차익 이슈는 크지 않을 것으로 전망 출연 : 최성환 고려대학교 국제대학원 교수
The ECB Monetary Policy meeting is always a key event that provides Euro, US Dollar and other currencies clues. In addition, Mario Draghi is always willing to give color to the monetary policy decisions and he will answer all questions during his press release. Join Valeria Bednarik and Mauricio Carrillo from FXStreet, and Yohay Elam from Forex Crunch. More info: http://www.fxstreet.com/live-video
Elite umpire Ian Gould spoke at the ECB ACO National Conference about his role in international cricket. This is the official channel of the ECB. Watch all the latest videos from the England Cricket Team and England and Wales Cricket Board. Including highlights, interviews, features getting you closer to the England team and county players. Subscribe for more: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ecbcricket Featuring video from the England cricket team, NatWest T20 Blast, LV= County Championship and more. To find out more about the ECB visit: http://www.ecb.co.uk Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ECB_cricket Find us on Facebook http://www.fb.com/englandcricket Find us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/englandcricket Find out more and follow the NatWest T...
At the meeting on 22 January 2015, the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.05%, 0.30% and -0.20% respectively.
ICP and Esham wicked rappers delight 2015
Feins of the wicked shit its time to get hot
Bump your fucking shit up for something wicked shit right
Detroit legendary demon lopatara
Staring you right back through your eyes in the mirror
Blowing out your brains spontaneous combustion
Lyrics like a barrel and cheering out busting
Fire breathing wicked shit melting microphones
Blowing speakers into flames setting fires to your home
How many times you gonna say I need help
Who gives a fuck if I murder myself
I'm thinking suicidal thoughts I shot a gay preacher
I didn't do my homework so I shot my teacher
I dropped out the next day fuck a g.e.d
Then I went and clowned the industry with ICP
Through up the 313 to let them know it was me
Esham is dope ho I'm the king of the D
I stole a fucking firetruck and drove through a Wendy's
All that happen to me was a bullet in the kidneys
I almost died then but look at me I ride again
Whats really happening reality is pretend
You can blow my fucking head off ill just grow another
My brain and my self we don't even know each other
Someone's in the darkness crawling out of my closet door
That's what the nines in the mattress for
Warlocks and witches come and learn from the master
The walls of my home feature body's in the plaster
The dead but sticking out like hon solo when he flows
With my favorite weapons hanging off there fingers and toes
Wicked pimping scary bitches living or dead
All with vampire fangs and they giving me head
Like cemetery girls back dance boogie woogie betty
Her nedens big and blew out like a plate of spaghetti
I'm out cold all my teeth gold
Plus I don't brush them
Quarterback sneaking plus if you rush 'em
Bust em down bust em up steady fucking 'em up
But wait why do I have all this blood on my hands
Blood on my clothes blood on my shoes
I'm on the 10 o clock news for steady
Murdering crews and there point of views
I'm like purple chronic mixed with ass and demonic
In her stomach full of jagermeister ready to vomit
Mirror mirror on the wall tell us who the wicked are
Shaggy E and Jay we in the game and getting ours
Hitting stars in there mouth and bumping off with red necklaces
Wicked reckless nobody expected
Bumping this wicked shit or are you brain dead
I can fly a mutha fucking egg on your head
Break in and tie your fucking feet up to your neck
Shoot you in the back once and kick you down the steps
I blow a crauder in the side of your head
Do the same to your missis while you sleeping in bed
Double murder robbery just another job to me
Rollin in a stolen Buick hookers slobbing me
Known though the farms lands as a duke of the wicked
Always shooting the bigots and booting the chickens
Asking me the wrong question also triggers my disease
They will find your body in Compton in and your head in Hallows, Queens.
The phone rong and on the other end it was the president
I cant talk right now I'm on the toilet taking a shit
I groped the phone I think my cover is blown I'm deep cover
Your wife ordered a pizza from me she got the meat lovers
I'm Johnny bravo the other black get at me ho
I make these hos happy tho 'cause I'm there pappy oh
Its to soon for you to be on my team
But give R Kelly a call I think like 'em 13
I once met a hooker and she did it for free
On the west first bus number 73
All the way in the back she was humping on me
Until I strangled the bitch and stuffed her under my seat
I got off on my stop without as much as a drop of blood
But then I remember I forgot to wear gloves
Now I'm chasing the bus my finger prints are on her neck
Fucking dead bitches on a wegie board all night
Busting off shots in the club we all fight
Hanging muther fuckers my there neck off of street lites
With there legs cut off trying to read me rights
I wear my CD I'll stick it in your face
Half way sticken out but look it still plays
I stomp when I rap and I shake the whole block
Stick my dick in your ear so you can hear what I got
I was one of those monsters in the video thriller
Known to the world as the pop star killer
And on another part from the part I arose
I'm the crusty ass booger hanging out of your nose
I'm the stink on your toes I'm the weed to your rose
Not one of your friends but one of your foes
And spitting the wicked shit is the life I chose
Do a spin grab my nuts then b boy pose
Chain you up for some tic tacs bloody mess
We the board on your chest and take turns shooting the rest
I win everytime the beat is good with every rhyme
And off with your head if your getting mine
This is esham and the wicked clowns for the vote
We come flying out the dark with a triple moonsault
I through a snowball so hard it replaced your eye