
Carhauler Contract: Concessions Rejected Again

Carhaulers today rejected a second national contract offer after saying Hell No to Hoffa’s concession deal last October. The vote was 1811-1479.

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Hoffa Corruption Exposed

(Reprinted from Teamsters United) As Teamster members prepare to vote for International Union officers, the Independent Investigations Officer has launched a major corruption probe into Hoffa for racketeering.


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Ken Hall and International vice president John Murphy feel “intimidated” if a Teamster member points a cell phone camera at them!  No wonder Hall cannot stand up to UPS, if a lone Teamster with a cell phone gives him a fright!

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Teamsters United Crushes Hoffa in Florida Race

[Reprinted from Teamsters United]

Teamsters United VP candidate Kimberly Schultz cruised to victory in the first-ever election for local union officers in Florida Local 2011. Schultz crushed her Hoffa-backed opponent and won with a whopping 87 percent of the vote. 

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Teamster Voice: It's Time to Make History

The Fall Issue of Teamster Voice is hitting the streets. And just in time, as members are gearing up for the TDU Convention (Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, Chicago), and hitting the gates to prepare to turn out the vote for Fred Zuckerman and Teamsters United in October.

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UPS Grievance Panel Dockets

UPDATED: Download the dockets for the September 2016 UPS National Grievance CommitteeJoint National Air Committee, and UPS Freight Committee.

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Obama "Blacklisting" Rule—New Leverage for Unions?

Executive Order 13673 (“Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces”) was issued by President Barack Obama in 2014. The order imposes potentially game-changing penalties against employers that violate the NLRA, OSHA, the FLSA, the FMLA, and Title VII.

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