Category: US

Laura Carlsen: Both Parties Are Playing the Mexico Card

From immigration to the drug war, there’s a lot that needs fixing in the U.S.-Mexico relationship. But border walls, hate speech, and deportations won’t do it

Vijay Prashad: A Story of Deceit

In the U.S., the debate over Iraq has been placed on mute

Juan Cole: Russian & Iranian Press deplore Hillary Clinton Hawkishness; Israelis complain she’s Dove

How is the international press responding to the Democratic National Convention and the formalization of Hillary Clinton’s status as the party’s standard-bearer in the presidential campaign?

Sue Sturgis: How special-interest money took over the party conventions

Percent by which private funding from outside the party committee is expected to increase over 2012 for this year’s Democratic convention: 12

Joseph Stiglitz: Will Hillary Clinton Flip-Flop Again on TPP After Election Day?

Some of the worst provisions in there were not because our partners demanded it, it was because we demanded it

Gareth Porter: Hillary Clinton and Her Hawks

Focusing on domestic issues, Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech sidestepped the deep concerns anti-war Democrats have about her hawkish foreign policy, which is already taking shape in the shadows

Margot Kidder: My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools

You kill and you kill and you kill, and still you remain proud

Ted Glick: Build, Bernie, Build

101 days to the election. Let’s defeat Trump, deal a big setback to Trumpism and lay the basis for a people’s movement that cannot be denied going forward.

Thomas Frank: How the Democrats left the door wide open for Donald Trump

The Democrats ditched the working class in favour of a professional elite leaving Trump – a master of ‘resentment politics’ – to hoover up their votes

Kshama Sawant: Progressive Social Change And Reinventing American Politics

We need more candidates running on the basis of working class, grassroots funding

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