WA News

Epic parking fail behind Caves House Hotel has locals totally stumped

The South West was "treated" to one of the worst parking fails you could ever hope to see over the weekend.

A Yallingup local took a photo of a car on Sunday morning half-way down an embankment outside the outdoor bar and beer garden behind the Caves Hotel in Yallingup.

Yallingup locals are puzzled how the car ended up there.
Yallingup locals are puzzled how the car ended up there. 

He said how the Holden Berlina wagon landed nose first only metres from the back of the bar had got stumped locals.

"It doesn't look like it was stolen and there was beer poured all over the car," the happy snappy who wanted to remain anonymous said.

Is this the worst parking effort of all time?
Is this the worst parking effort of all time? 

"There are not skid marks in the car park or on the grass area before the car park, so it's really weird."

The keen-eye photographer said he was wondering if the car was "parked" there as a prank, given the number plates were Victorian.


He said another theory doing the rounds was that "tourists" decided to bolt following a prang, after sipping on too much vino in one of the great wine regions in the world.

"Maybe they were backpackers or something because it looks like it was done on purpose," he laughed.

Whoops. Where is that car park?
Whoops. Where is that car park? 

"Or maybe they had too much to drink, because most of the doors were left open.

"No one can figure it out."