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Allende’s Grandson: “Not in the Name of Allende nor Socialism”

Caption: Chilean Socialist President Salvador Allende, overthrown in a US-sponsored military coup on September 11, 1973 (archive

Pablo Sepulveda Allende, the grandson of the late Chilean socialist leader Salvador Allende, is now a doctor living in Caracas. In this article he speaks out against declarations made by his aunt, the current president of the Chilean Socialist Party, against the conviction of Leopoldo Lopez in Venezuela.

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Chile's Michelle Bachelet Refuses to Meet with Venezuelan Opposition Leader's Wife

Lilian Tintori (L) and Mitzi Capriles (Voluntad Popular)

The wives of jailed opposition leaders Leopoldo Lopez and Antonio Ledezma arrived in the Chilean capital on Sunday with the objective of meeting with president Michelle Bachelet, but were not received.

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Revolution, Counter Revolution, and the Economic War in Venezuela: Part I

Trade Unionists hold up signs that say "No to the Economic War!" (PHOTO: From Archives)

William Camacaro and Frederick B. Mills offer an important overview of the current economic war in Venezula. In Part I of this two-part series, the authors give an overview of the current political climate in Venezuela and provide historical context for the use of food as a political weapon. By examining the 1973 Coup in Chile and the way that control of food was used during the 2002 coup in Venezuela and the 2003 Oil strike, the authors push for a deeper understanding of the current political climate in Venezuela today. Part II focuses on the need to change the Economic model in Venezuela.

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Imitation and Copy: Venezuela Remembers Chile's Economic War

People line up to buy food at a supermarket in San Cristobal, about 410 miles (660 km) southwest of Caracas, Feb. 27, 2014. (Pho

This video, produced by Venezuelan broadcaster ViVe, was aired in 2013- following the death of Hugo Chavez, at a time when the private economic began to escalate destabilizing techniques against the Bolivarian government in the face of the opposition’s electoral defeat. The short documentary compares similar tactics employed by the Chilean right-wing in the 1970’s to undermine Salvador Allende’s democratic socialism.

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Venezuela's Maduro Cancels Trip to Inauguration of Chile’s Michelle Bachelet

Chilean student awaits Maduro's arrival outside Venezuelan Embassy in Santiago. His shirt reads "The education in Chil

Days after a Chilean student was shot dead by protestors in Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro called off his trip to Chile. Two demonstrations had been awaiting his arrival in Santiago, each with a very different narrative regarding who’s to blame for Venezuela’s political violence.

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Elections in Venezuela and Chile Advance Left Agenda and Latin American Economic Integration


The elections in Venezuela and Chile in December molded the political panorama of Latin America for the coming year, providing a new opening for left-leaning governments and the advance of post neoliberal policies in the region.

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Venezuela Marches Against Fascism


The 40th Anniversary of the 1973 Chilean coup was commemorated in Caracas on 11 September with a march through the city. The coup ended the presidency of Salvador Allende; who today is widely viewed as one of the most important figures in the history of the Latin American left.

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Venezuela Remembers Allende on 40th Anniversary of 1973 Coup

Venezuelans rallying in Caracas earlier today (AVN)

Venezuelans rallied to condemn fascism today, on the 40th anniversary of the coup d’état that ousted former Chilean president Salvador Allende.

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Chilean Consul’s Daughter Killed in Venezuela: Bell Tolls for the Opposition

On Saturday evening it was reported that Karen Berendique, daughter of the Chilean Consul in Venezuela was killed and shot by police.  This act of police brutality and malpractice highlights more than ever the need for a humanistic police force with respect for human rights throughout the country.

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Venezuelans Pay Homage to Salvador Allende on 38th Anniversary of Chilean Coup

On Sunday, Venezuelans gathered in Plaza Venezuela, Caracas, to commemorate the 38th anniversary of the death of Chilean President, Salvador Allende.

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