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Features: Participation

An Oral History of Grassroots Venezuelans in the Midst of the Economic War

A woman shows her constitution and support for President Maduro at Plaza Bolivar on January 21. (Cory Fischer-Hoffman)

While the shortages and long-lines are creating serious inconveniences and undeniable burdens on most Venezuelans, beyond the frustration, the voices of grassroots Venezuelans are getting lost beneath negative predictions of macroeconomic collapse. In this oral history collage, members of the Venezuelan grassroots and popular movements speak for themselves about the roots of the economic war, their strategies in the face of it, and the solutions that they propose.

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For the Barrios, the Difference Between Repression and Revolution Depends on National Security

The National Guard and police presence is on the rise as checkpoints and operatives are set up along public transportation route

Early last month, five men were shot dead in a high-rise building at the center of Caracas during an early morning standoff between special intelligence police (CICPC) and armed members of revolutionary collectives. While the circumstances leading up to the event are still unclear, the so-called Quinta Crespo Massacre created a ripple effect within the Venezuelan left that quickly highlighted a growing rift between the revolutionary left and the Bolivarian government.

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Communal Justices of the Peace Bring Popular Power to Venezuela Court System

At the local level, a movement of communal justice is gradually spreading an alternative to the traditional adversarial court sy

At the local level, a movement of communal justice is gradually spreading an alternative to the traditional adversarial court system to settle civil disputes.

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Municipal Election Results: Venezuela Winning the War Waged against It

PSUV active members meeting in the lead up to the municipal elections (Telesur/archive)

Following a hard year for us, yesterday’s positive election result came as a relief. It is a hopeful result that gives a well deserved finger to the bitter, whinging opposition, and their private media buddies. However, the political significance of the result is also more complicated than that, and it is now time to focus our energy on really consolidating this revolution.

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First National Commune Conference: The Communes are the Antidote to Venezuela’s Economic Problems

National commune conference participants at the closing event (Tamara Pearson/

The first national conference of commune members held on the weekend of 16 and 17 November was a demonstration of how the commune movement is slowly strengthening, and how it is these structures that are the antidote to many of Venezuela's ongoing problems of speculation, importation, bureaucracy, and corruption.

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Venezuelan Elections, Participation, and the Finger

 Merida governor Alexis Ramirez  (in white) campaigning in the barrio of Santa Anita last Sunday (Tamara Pearson / Venezuelanaly

The PSUV recently announced its candidates for the December elections, overriding a primaries process of selection that had been underway when Chavez died. From under confidence and vulnerability, to a disorganised grassroots and a strong-ish opposition, VA examines what is behind such a move.

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Alternative Education Can Eliminate Corruption

Myriam Anzola (in blue) with the recent alternative pedagogy graduates (Leandro Irion)

Participatory education based on empowering students through their active involvement in their community is an essential tool for fighting corruption in the long term.


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Science for Need not Greed: Venezuela’s Optical Instrument Plant

Elias Sanchez with some of the telescope prototypes (Tamara Pearson/

In these interviews with three workers at Venezuela’s new telescope plant, looks at how scientific work and community work can go hand in hand, and how science can be used as a tool for liberation and human development.

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After Chavez: Grassroots Fight on Despite Opposition’s War of Attrition

A mural in Merida characterising Henrique Capriles as a chameleon (Tamara Pearson/

The rightwing is waging a war of attrition against the Bolivarian revolution; trying to break it with constant psychological, media, and economic based attacks. The government and grassroots have remained firm after the passing of Chavez, yet are showing some weaknesses as well as they face the new period.

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Understanding the Venezuelan Presidential Election Outcome

"The most simple of us, we will win", activists painted above this barrio entrance in Merida (Tamara Pearson/ Venezuel

Why was the presidential election result so close, and why did some government supporters switch to supporting Capriles? As the opposition causes violence around the country, calling "fraud", what was it that worked with Capriles' campaign, and that didn't with Maduro's?

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The 14 April Venezuelan Presidential Election Campaign: Start of a New Era

Although the results of the presidential elections in a few weeks are quite predictable, we are going through a fragile, vulnerable period, with a future that is less predictable. These elections, because of their place in history- the start of the era of the Bolivarian revolution without Chavez – have some special characteristics and factors.

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Grassroots Activists Speak on Chavez’s Absence: “We’ll Fight Even Harder”

At a recent march in Merida city (Tamara Pearson /

If anyone is clearest about what Chavez’s absence means and what it could mean in the future, it is the grassroots activists and revolutionaries in Venezuela. While private international and national media paint a picture of hopelessness, economic chaos, a power vacuum and power struggles in Venezuela, the grassroots are experiencing a different reality, and have a much more positive outlook for the future.

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Venezuela’s State Elections: When Winning Comes before Revolution

Supporters rally for PSUV candidate for Merida, Alexis Ramirez. Their placards say “Alexis – governor, loyalty always” (YV

Internal debate and criticism of the PSUV and its current state election campaign, as well as proper grassroots involvement, has been put off, and put off, because in this incredibly democratic country there is always some kind of election coming up. Yet for how long will such sacrifices be made in the name of defeating the capitalist opposition?

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Venezuela’s Presidential Elections: An Imperfect-Victory

People celebrating the victory outside the Miraflores Palace (Tamara Pearson / examines the causes and consequences of yesterday's election results.

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Impressions of the Venezuelan Election: Participatory Democracy vs. Western Democratic Decline

A young activist explains why she supports Venezuela's Bolivarian revolution at a mass pro-Chavez rally: "I support th

I’ve witnessed the self-assured superiority of Paris, the imperial arrogance of Washington, the capitalist decadence of New York’s Manhattan, parliamentary elections in Germany, and my fair share of elections in Britain. In none of them have I encountered a democratic political culture as profound as Venezuela’s. 

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