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Features: Law and Justice

The Fight for Justice, Truth and Peace in Venezuela

Photo caption: Luis Durán shares his personal testimony with the guarimbas that took his son's life. (Paola Martucci)

The Committee of Victims of the Guarimba and Ongoing Coup internationally denounces the Venezuelan opposition’s terror campaign and attempts to silence victims’ families through the Amnesty Law.


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Venezuela’s Supreme Court Strikes a Blow to the Impunity of Liberal Terror

Protesters burning barricades during 2014's guarimbas (Reuters).

In striking down the opposition's Amnesty Law, Venezuela's Supreme Court places the rights of the victims of right-wing terror above the privileges of the perpetrators.

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HRW's Latest Report on Venezuela Needs to be Taken With a Grain of Salt

(Venezuelan Interior Ministry via AVN)

A clear eyed investigation into Venezuela's latest security crackdown is desperately needed, but not by Human Rights Watch.


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Facing Opposition Onslaught, Chavismo Must Return to Roots

"Create popular power, transition to the Communal State" (Photo: Rachael Boothroyd,

Sunday's landslide PSUV defeat affords the Venezuelan right an historic opportunity to roll back the gains of the Bolivarian Revolution, but will they succeed? Only a revitalized Chavismo, rerooted among the Venezuelan masses, can stop them. 

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Venezuela's Oldest Human Rights Organization: "Here There is a State That Respects Human Rights"

Sister Eugenia Russian is a longtime member of Venezuela's oldest human rights organisation, Fundalatin (Fundalatin)

As "reports" of alleged "human rights violations" in Venezuela are unscrupulously circulated by transnational corporate media and rightwing governments, VA speaks to long time human rights activist Sister Eugenia Russian, President of the Latin American Foundation of Human Rights and Social Development (Fundalatin), concerning a range of issues, including "political prisoners", "torture" allegations, the "crackdown" on journalists, Liberation Theology, and more. 

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But What About the Oil? US Senators Get to the Heart of the Matter in Wake of Venezuela Sanctions

US Senator Marco Rubio (

Last week, lawyer and journalist Glen Greenwald acerbically asked if there was “anyone, anywhere, that wants to defend the reasonability” of Obama’s claim that Venezuela is an “extraordinary threat” to U.S. security. On Tuesday at a Senate Foreign Relations Hearing on Venezuela, a band of rightwing “human rights” specialists including US senator Marco Rubio decided to make a Herculean attempt.

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International Media Barely Raises Eyebrow over Assassination of Pro-Government Legislator in Venezuela

The gruesome assassination of pro-government lawmaker Robert Serra (27) and his partner Maria Herrera last Wednesday has shaken

Media either ignored or downplayed Robert Serra’s assassination and side-stepped the issue of far-right political violence, further highlighting how tightly mainstream media sticks to the prevailing narrative on Venezuela.

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Venezuela's “Political Prisoner” Allegory

Photos of political prisoners detained at San Carlos between 1960-1979,  on a wall of the former prison in an exhibit maintained

In the face of arrests, trials, and detentions of opposition and student leaders, allegations of political repression in Venezuela are circulating international and private national press.  The Venezuelan government and its supporters adamantly reject the claim that Venezuela has any political prisoners and they assert that everyone in detention is being tried for their involvement in criminal conduct. This article aims to explore the issue of political prisoners in Venezuela by providing a broader historical context combined with an analysis of power in Venezuela today.

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Victims of 2002 Venezuelan Coup Denounce Double Standards in Justice after Iván Simonovis’ Release

Yesenia Fuentes, president of the Association of Victims of April 11, 2002 (Asovic) speaking at a Press Conference on Llaguno br

Just blocks away from the Presidential Palace, stands Llaguno bridge, the site of a massacre during the April 2002 coup briefly removing Hugo Chavez from Venezuelan office. Today, the bridge was filled with family members of the victims who were demanding answers and justice following the release of former Police chief Iván Simonovis.

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Communal Justices of the Peace Bring Popular Power to Venezuela Court System

At the local level, a movement of communal justice is gradually spreading an alternative to the traditional adversarial court sy

At the local level, a movement of communal justice is gradually spreading an alternative to the traditional adversarial court system to settle civil disputes.

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Undocumented Migrants in Venezuela Have More Rights than US Citizens in the US

"Bye friend, return soon", says the sign at one of Venezuela's border points (archive)

While most first world and imperialist countries criminalise refugees and undocumented migrants, scapegoating them, promoting racism, and mistreating them, Venezuela welcomes all migrants, and provides them with the same rights as Venezuelan citizens.

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Where is Venezuela’s Political Violence Coming From? A Complete List of Fatalities from the Disturbances

A confrontation on 1 March between barricade militants and pólice in Mérida (el meridenazo)

About 40 people have died in connection with opposition protests, street barricades and unrest which have been occurring since early February in Venezuela. An examination of the fatalities suggests some of the following conclusions.

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Mercal Shooting Highlights Class Polarization, Psychologists Fear “Fractured Coexistence”

Venezuelans wait in line to buy food at Mercal. (Archive)

Over the weekend, a panel of psychologists convened to discuss the societal tension that has built up since violent protest broke out in Venezuela, in February. They determined that dialogue-friendly spaces and a feeling of general safety have been compromised dramatically. The fatal shooting of a woman waiting on line to buy food Saturday highlighted fiercely clashing responses through social media as each political sector interpreted the tragedy as proof of their own worst fears.

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Venezuelan Human Rights Experts Call for End to “Media Distortion” of Protests and State Response

Two demonstrators at a pro-government march “for peace” in Mérida recently. The banner reads “no more violence, we want p

A group of forty two Venezuelan human rights activists offer their views on the guarantee of human rights in the current protests. Analysing the overall situation, they argue that there is a purposeful distortion of the situation by mass media and even some NGOs for political reasons.

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Understanding the Facts on Violence and Human Rights in Venezuela's Unrest

Opposition marchers in Caracas on Wednesday 12 March argue with the National Guard (EDSAU OLIVARES / El Universal) publishes a concise study of the fatalities, wounded and damages caused in the last month of political violence. The findings suggest that the narrative used to explain the violence in most mainstream media outlets is either uninformed or deliberately misleading.

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