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Features: Bolivarian Project

“We Will Defend the Revolutionary Process”: Afro-Venezuelan Youth and Today's Struggle for Freedom

Afro-Venezuelan children practice traditional music at a cultural center in Barlovento, Miranda State. (Jeanette Charles)

VA’s Jeanette Charles speaks with one youth organizer about his movement's commitment to continue the revolutionary legacy of the Afro-Venezuelan people.


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A Bolivarian Bernie? The Latin American Roots of Sanders’ Social Democratic Populism

Bernie Sanders at a rally held by National Nurses United in support of his candidacy. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

VA's Lucas Koerner argues that the emergent movement surrounding Bernie Sander's presidential bid in the US is more at home in Caracas than Copenhagen– despite Sander's statements to the contrary.

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Can the NYT Really Answer Your Questions on Venezuela?

(The New York Times)

VA's Rachael Boothroyd Rojas takes apart NYT correspondent Nick Casey's latest blogpost purporting to answer readers' questions on Venezuela, exposing the Establishment journalist's thinly veiled Western colonial bias evidenced in his systematic privileging of wealthy opposition voices over those of working class Chavismo. 

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Facing Opposition Onslaught, Chavismo Must Return to Roots

"Create popular power, transition to the Communal State" (Photo: Rachael Boothroyd,

Sunday's landslide PSUV defeat affords the Venezuelan right an historic opportunity to roll back the gains of the Bolivarian Revolution, but will they succeed? Only a revitalized Chavismo, rerooted among the Venezuelan masses, can stop them. 

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“Venezuela Must Raise the Flags of Campesinos Across the Globe against the Privatisation of Food”

VA's Rachael Boothroyd Rojas talks with activist Manuel Suarez of the Venezuelan collective Homo et Natura about the monumental Anti-Transgenic and Anti-Patent Seed Law currently in debate in the country’s National Assembly.

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Mehmet Ali Dogan: Communes, Counter-Hegemony, and the Kurdish Fight for the Middle Eastern Patria Grande

Mehmet Ali Dogan (courtesy)

As Turkey ramps up its bombing of Kurdish forces in northern Syria, VA sits down with Mehmet Ali Dogan, a Kurdish anthropologist and documentary filmmaker from Turkey, who is spokesperson for the Kurdistan-Latin America Solidarity Committee. With powerful testimony, Dogan bridges the gaps between peoples' movements across the globe, emphasizing the need to reduce state roles in order to create and defend revolution from the ground up.

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How Deep Does the Crisis Cut?

People ride on a public bus past a street mural of Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chávez in Caracas.  (Photo: Ariana Cubillo

VA's Z.C. Dutka analyzes the roots of the current economic crisis in Venezuela and calls on the Maduro government to assume responsibility for the acute difficulties faced by the country's popular classes, which she identifies as a crucial step for further deepening the Bolivarian Revolution.

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Allende was Wrong: Neoliberalism, Venezuela's Student Right and the Answer from the Left

"Defend University Autonomy for True People's Democracy". Photo taken at the University of the Andes. (Lucas Koer

Venezuelanalysis journalist, Lucas Koerner, takes a look at the rightwing student movement in Venezuela, its ideology and appropriation of leftwing symbols and discourse. He also examines what model of education is being proposed in Venezuela's new "experimental" public universities as an alternative to neoliberal visions of education. This analysis includes an interview with Luis Javier Gomez Rojas, a facilitator at the Bolivarian University for Workers.

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Venezuela in 2014: Maduro Administration Given Reprieve by Divided Opposition

From left to right: opposition leaders Leopoldo Lopez, Maria Corina Machado, and Henrique Capriles (AFP)’s Ewan Robertson offers an assessment of the relative positions of the Bolivarian government and conservative opposition after a bumpy year for Venezuela’s politics and economy.

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Pemon Indigenous Occupy Airport in Venezuela: “We Have Had Enough of Broken Promises”

The occupied airport does not see much traffic (all photos Z.C. Dutka /'s Z.C. Dutka gives an eyewitness account of the break out of an indigenous protest in the town of Santa Elena de Uairen in southern Venezuela.

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Venezuela’s Indigenous Pemon are Caught in Time on Land Too Valuable for Numbers

A pemon boy rests on the way to Mt. Roraima. (Benjamin Mast)
In the shadow of Columbus Day, writer Z.C. sketches, through interviews, an intimate portrait of a changing people – the Pemon of Venezuela’s mineral-rich Southeastern border. Their testimonies of struggle reflect the country’s changing political landscape and highlights a stark generational gap that afflicts many of Latin America’s first nation peoples.

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International Media Barely Raises Eyebrow over Assassination of Pro-Government Legislator in Venezuela

The gruesome assassination of pro-government lawmaker Robert Serra (27) and his partner Maria Herrera last Wednesday has shaken

Media either ignored or downplayed Robert Serra’s assassination and side-stepped the issue of far-right political violence, further highlighting how tightly mainstream media sticks to the prevailing narrative on Venezuela.

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Venezuelan Voices, Part I: An Economic Spiral

On the border between Brazil and Venezuela, if you don't want to wait on the long gas station lines, you can fill up your t

As international media plays its favorite old game of lambasting the Venezuelan government, long-time observers of the Bolivarian process may be wondering how much truth lies in the prime-time reports depicting empty shelves, long lines and charts showing catastrophic inflation. How precarious is Venezuela’s current economy and, more importantly, how much are the effects of this felt by the Venezuelan people?

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Planned Reforms May Determine Survival of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Project

Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has proposed a series of major reforms to the economy, state and party in the hope of settin

The administration of President Nicolas Maduro faces a set of adverse conditions which have the potential to turn a majority of the country’s citizens against the incumbent government at the next election. In this context, there is perhaps more riding on economic and state reforms currently being designed than first meets the eye.

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Is Poverty Still Falling in Venezuela?

A barrio (informally constructed urban community) in Caracas, with the buildings painted under the urban regeneration social pro

This article examines the claim that poverty is rising in Venezuela by examining the country’s latest poverty statistics, as well as exploring current efforts at further poverty reduction.

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