WA News

Brother of Australia's 'most wanted' sex offender opens up about cycle of abuse

The brother of one of Australia's 'most wanted' child sex offenders has opened up about the cycle of sexual abuse in the hopes it will encourage other victims to speak out.

Terry Cook, 39, is the younger brother of convicted paedophile, Kenneth Cook, 48, who was sentenced to ten-and-a-half years jail on Friday at Rockhampton District Court for a string of offences committed in Central Queensland between 1996 and 2002.

Kenneth Cook, 48,was sentenced to 10 years in jail after he was found living under an alias in Kalgoorlie.
Kenneth Cook, 48,was sentenced to 10 years in jail after he was found living under an alias in Kalgoorlie.  Photo: WA Police

Kenneth was extradited from Kalgoorlie in November 2015 to face the charges, after a resident in the Goldfields town recognised him from a Federal police 'most wanted' list.  

He had been living and working in the town as a handy man going by the name of "Rob" after fleeing Queensland as a fugitive in 2007.

Terry Cook hopes his brother's sentence will lead to other victims speaking out.
Terry Cook hopes his brother's sentence will lead to other victims speaking out. 

Kenneth was convicted of maintaining an unlawful relationship with a child and carnal knowledge (sexual intercourse) with a child under 16 years old.

Terry, who claimed he was also abused by Kenneth when he was eight-years-old and Kenneth was 17-years-old, was in court to hear the sentence handed down.


He has never pressed charges against his brother for his alleged offences.

"I don't feel that he can be rehabilitated," Terry said.

"If he has interfered with anybody in WA [while he lived there], then now is probably a good chance to come forward, he's behind bars. He's not going to come for you.

"It's less about making him hurt or anything like that, and it's more about talking about the issue, because that's the only way we are going to stop this, is by keeping it out in the open and keeping people talking about it."

Terry said he did not support Kenneth during the court hearings, and that the offences he was accused of committing had torn his family apart.

He claimed Kenneth himself was sexually abused as a child, and that the cycle of generational abuse had to be stopped.

"At the very least [I hope this case] brings awareness to children and making sure they're not left alone," Terry said.

"Even if you do think, 'Oh no, he seems like a nice bloke', which Ken was very good at... he seems like a nice bloke but he does manipulate situations to his own advantage whenever and wherever he can."

A Kalgoorlie resident played a vital role in the arrest of the fugitive, who had been doing handyman jobs around the region under at least two suspected aliases.

At the time, the woman, who asked to remain anonymous, identified Kenneth after seeing him on the Federal 'most wanted' list.

"I saw his picture and I thought 'is that who I think it is?'" she said.

"I showed my friend and she was like 'oh my God, that man has been in my house, he has been around my children'.

"The last time I saw him, he was doing some tiling at a local café.

"I'm still shaking – I met the guy and even shook his hand."

Kenneth Cook will be eligible for parole in May 2020.