Sunshine Coast Rural Report

A Sunshine Coast woman leaves the corporate world for chemical free flower farming.

Pineapple prices are recovering after the second-hottest summer on record brings on twice the amount of early winter fruit.

Cooking shows drive demand for ginger, giving growers confidence about the future, despite a national shortage.

A fishing crew survives a frightening encounter at sea after a freak wave shatters four windows on their tuna long liner, sending water coursing through the cabin.

Biosecurity authorities vow not to give up the fight to eradicate imported red fire ants, after the discovery of a new nest on the Sunshine Coast.

A warm start to winter and delays due to ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie result in the sweetest strawberries in decades, say growers.

Freeze-dried food was once the staple of astronauts, but the technology could be the solution to saving billions of dollars worth of wasted Australian produce.

Australia's honey industry is battling against an invasive pest known as the Small Hive Beetle which can decimate bee hives.
