
Education Department faces lawsuits over claims paedophile teacher was shuffled between schools

Robert Morris, who was jailed this year for abusing young boys in Cranbourne and Ringwood in the 1970s.
Robert Morris, who was jailed this year for abusing young boys in Cranbourne and Ringwood in the 1970s. Photo: Supplied

The Victorian Education Department is facing lawsuits that could cost it millions of dollars over allegations a paedophile teacher was shuffled from school to school despite reports to police, principals and a senior department official.

Robert Leonard Morris, now 71, was a primary school teacher between 1966 and 1980, working in country western Victoria and in Melbourne's outer-eastern suburbs.

He was jailed in March after pleading guilty to abusing six boys, aged as young as six, at two schools in Cranbourne and Ringwood.

Four of those boys, along with another six who recently came forward, launched civil action in the Supreme Court against the department, which they claim moved Morris from school to school when concerns about his behaviour surfaced.

The department said it could not comment given the case was before the court, but pointed to policies it had put in place to better protect children in light of the royal commission into child sex abuse.

Lawyers for the victims, who are now in their 40s and 50s, say several reports were made by parents to principals, and on one occasion, to a senior department employee, but Morris continued teaching.


"The Education Department shuffled a paedophile from school to school for years, effectively supplying a child abuser with new victims year after year," Rightside Legal partner Michael Magazanik said.

"Dozens of very young boys were horribly traumatised. For many, the damage has lasted a lifetime."

Mr Magazanik said the reports ranged from molestation disclosed to parents by their sons to concerns about inappropriate behaviour witnessed by other teachers, such as Morris getting boys to sit on his lap on school bus rides.

"One of the most shocking things is the public nature of the abuse," Mr Magazanik said.

"Our clients were abused in classrooms, on crowded school buses, in bunk rooms full of boys and in playgrounds."

In 1977, one of those reports resulted in a police investigation into Morris. He was acquitted by a jury. The following year he was allowed to return to teaching at a school in Ringwood where he had previously taught, Mr Magazanik said.

"The government sent him straight back to teaching young boys, and Morris immediately resumed abusing them," he said. "It was so predictable and the results were so tragic."

Morris, who was also a cub leader for the Scouts in Melbourne's east, came under police scrutiny again in 1980. This time, he pleaded guilty to the indecent assault of one of his students and left teaching.

After his Victorian teaching career was over, he worked at the Commonwealth Public Service in Melbourne and the ACT, before he took up teaching international students in Sydney and China from 2001 to 2008.

Morris was arrested in Canberra last year and charged with abusing six boys. In March, he was jailed for six years, with a four-year non-parole period.

In the County Court sentencing hearing, the court was told Morris had made a seven-year-old boy sit on his lap in front of his class and masturbated him behind a book.

He rubbed another young victim's penis as he sat next to him on a bus returning from a swimming lesson.

One of the boys, the court heard, now suffers from a debilitating compulsion to wash himself over and over, and throw away clothes he felt were contaminated.

In his sentencing, County Court judge Gerard Mullaly said Morris' offending was sickening, and a "comprehensive abuse of trust".

"Each of them has been left with lifelong scars," Judge Mullaly said.

Morris has since appealed the length of his sentence. A judgment is yet to be handed down. Trial dates have not been set for the civil actions.

Mr Magazanik said the real number of Morris' victims must be "enormous", given he had worked at at least seven primary schools in 15 years, was a cub leader and coached junior sports.

The Education Department said in a statement it would be inappropriate to comment given the matters are before the court, but a spokesman said historic sexual abuse allegations that had come to light following the royal commission into institutional child abuse had been "shocking and disappointing".

He said the government had introduced significant reforms, including new minimum child safety standards for schools to better manage the risk of child sex abuse and response to allegations.

The government has committed to implement a redress scheme for survivors of child sexual abuse, in accordance with the Betrayal of Trust report.

The Education Department follows common guiding principles designed to ensure responses to allegations of child sexual abuse minimise potential further trauma, are not unnecessarily adversarial and include written apologies and early settlements where appropriate.

The department, in some cases, also offers financial assistance for counselling for former students who were abused at state schools.