• mistletoe
    Bad Charity

    The False Hope of the Hufeland Klinik

    Wales Online reports the tragic story of a two-year old girl with stage-four neuroblastoma. I cannot imagine the emotions the parents must be going through. I am sure if my children were ever in this position, I would consider anything to save them. Such desperation though provides rich pickings for those offering miracle cures and dubious treatments. As a society, we do a very poor job of protecting children and parents from such questionable practices. One problem in preventing exploitation of the most very sick is how the media tackles such stories. It appears to be incapable of looking beyond the claims [read more...]
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The Meaning of the 10:23 Homeopathy Campaign.

by Andy Lewis in featured 48

In the last few days, a new campaign has been launched with the aim of showing that homeopathy is an ‘absurd pseudoscience’ and that Boots the Chemists should not be selling these sugar pills to the public as if they were genuine medical products. The ‘10:23’ campaign, as it is [read more...]
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Charles Darwin and Homeopathy

by Andy Lewis in featured 76

The Internet is a wonderful thing. It allows you check stuff, like the claims of quacks, in a way that was not possible just a few years ago. This blog entry would have taken many months of library work and correspondence without the web and some of its amazing content, [read more...]