The REST APIs provide programmatic access to read and write Twitter data. Author a new Tweet, read author profile and follower data, and more. The REST API identifies Twitter applications and users using OAuth; responses are available in JSON.

If your intention is to monitor or process Tweets in real-time, consider using the Streaming API instead.


Below are the documents that will help you get going with the REST APIs as quickly as possible

Latest Updates

As of version 1.1 of the Twitter API, the more recent updates to our API are highlighted below. We’re excited about what it means for developers and we’ve captured all the meaningful changes here so you don’t miss a thing.

Default entities and retweets

Where applicable, entities and retweets are returned by default. Entities are returned as part of Tweet objects unless the include_entities parameter is set to false. Native retweets are included in timelines unless the include_rts parameter is set to false.

Authentication on all endpoints

We require applications to authenticate all of their requests with OAuth 1.0a or Application-only authentication. This visibility allows us to prevent abusive behavior, and it also helps us to further understand how categories of applications are using the API. We apply this understanding to better meet the needs of developers as we continue to evolve the platform.

Rate Limiting

We divide the rate limit window into 15 minute chunks per endpoint, with most individual calls allowing for 15 requests in each window. This is particularly advantageous for apps making calls such as GET statuses / show / :id, GET users / lookup, GET search / tweets and others. Be sure to read the API Rate Limiting documentation as well as review the per method limits available here.

Twitter client policies

All applications replicating the core Twitter experience, usually called “clients”, must adhere to certain restrictions, including a 100,000 user token limit. To be clear, the 100,000 user token limit applies only to the small number of clients replicating the core Twitter experience - it does not apply to the majority of other applications in the broader ecosystem. These clauses are outlined in detail in the Developer Rules of the Road.

Feedback and next steps

If you find any issues with the API, please use our discussion forum dedicated to API v1.1 where we’ll be available and actively listening to all of your feedback. We look forward to working with you and can’t wait to see what everyone builds.