- published: 08 Jun 2009
- views: 1722839
DVD ( "digital versatile disc" or "digital video disc") is a digital optical disc storage format invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. The medium can store any kind of digital data and is widely used for software and other computer files as well as video programs watched using DVD players. DVDs offer higher storage capacity than compact discs while having the same dimensions.
Pre-recorded DVDs are mass-produced using molding machines that physically stamp data onto the DVD. Such discs are a form of DVD-ROMs, because data can only be read and not written or erased. Blank recordable DVD discs (DVD-R and DVD+R) can be recorded once using a DVD recorder and then function as a DVD-ROM. Rewritable DVDs (DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM) can be recorded and erased many times.
DVDs are used in DVD-Video consumer digital video format and in DVD-Audio consumer digital audio format as well as for authoring DVD discs written in a special AVCHD format to hold high definition material (often in conjunction with AVCHD format camcorders). DVDs containing other types of information may be referred to as DVD data discs.
You Know What's Bullshit!? - DVD's
Some DVDs I Planned to Get Rid Of
Selling DVDs on eBay - Disney and other children's movies - Making bundles
Marvel Movie Collection 2016 (DVDs, VHS, Blurays, ect...)
#19 PARKOUR É SEGURO - ARTE DO PARKOUR DVDs - Nada de Interessante
DIY American Girl Doll DVDs
Scooby-doo DVDs
Dvd Top Sertanejo Top - Lançamento Sertanejo - Só As Top - Vol.2
How to Play DVDs on Windows 10 for free
CS (09/10/16) - New Dollar Tree DVDs & BDs
You Know What's Bullshit!? - DVD's - Episode 11 Also, see these exclusive "You Know What's Bullshit!?" episodes only on Cinemassacre.com - Episode 12: Movie Titles - http://cinemassacre.com/2009/06/23/you-know-whats-bullshit-12/ Episode 19: Wire Hangers - http://cinemassacre.com/2012/07/04/you-know-whats-bullshit-19/ Episode 21: Assholes - http://cinemassacre.com/2012/07/18/you-know-whats-bullshit-21/ Episode 24: Amp's that Don't go to 11 - http://cinemassacre.com/2012/08/12/you-know-whats-bullshit-24/
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NicHillsReseller My Website: http://nic-hills-reselling.weebly.com
This is my Marvel Comics movies and TV Shows collection. Stan Lee is Marvel's biggest face. Starring your favorite characters such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, and the X-Men. Find me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook Username is @davidakhoa Also check out affiliates. See links Below: Ultra Girls Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/UltraGirlsCosplay/ Smallville Comic-Con https://www.facebook.com/SmallvilleComicCon/?fref=ts http://smallvillecomiccon.com/ Kal Power Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/Kal-Power-Cosplay-1374824696181329/?fref=ts
█ - Lançamento dia 26 de SETEMBRO (falei “outubro” no video, errei) . ---【 CONTEÚDO EXTRA? MOSTRAR MAIS! 】⬇⬇⬇ ► Dúvidas Frequentes: 0- Sim, sou eu no comercial da sete belo. 0.1 - Foi gravado no Centro de Esportes Radicais em São Paulo. 1- Caso ainda não tenha visto, no video #18 eu falo tudo sobre o DVD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcehi167yks . 2- Comprando o pack dos 3 DVDs você ganha 3 movimentos bônus. 3- São apenas 7 dias pra comprar, do dia 26 ao dia 03. Manda ver! Por que? Eu vou limitar as compras para apenas os mais interessados para assim poder dar suporte especial pra essa galera (se não fica muita gente). Eventualmente elas se re-abrirão, só não sei quando! Então sua chance é agora, 26 ao 03 =) ► Conteúdo dos DVDs: *a duração total dos DVDs é de 3 horas e 25 minutos!!* —...
Learn how to make DVDs for your American Girl Dolls that are their size. This doll craft turned out perfect and our dolls love having their own movies! Our dolls love having their own Frozen, Tangled and Tinker bell DVDs. For more details and the DVD printables go to http://www.americangirlideas.com/american-girl-doll-dvd-tutorial/ Subscribe to our YT Channel ~ https://www.youtube.com/c/AmericanGirlIdeas2014?sub_confirmation=1 Be sure to Follow us on Instagram ~ https://instagram.com/american.girl.ideas/ Official Website & Printables - http://www.americangirlideas.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/americangirlideas Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/AmericanGI/ Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+Americangirlideas2014
ChunkyJeffrey shows off his Scooby-doo DVD collection that he has so far.
Dvd Top Sertanejo Top - Lançamento Sertanejo - Só As Top - Vol.2 Lista Das Músicas! 00:00 Naiara Azevedo- 50 Reais part.Maiara e Maraisa 03:29 Matheus e Kauan - O Nosso Santo Bateu 06:06 Israel Novaes - Coração Indisponível part.Cristiano Araújo 09:33 Felipe Araújo - Amante Fiel part.Marília Mendonça 12:51 George Henrique e Rodrigo - Deixa Eu Voar part.Jorge e Mateus 15:15 Marcos e Fernando - Trocaria Tudo part.Henrique e Juliano 18:26 Israel e Rodolffo - Fecha O Porta-Mala 20:49 Bruno e Barretto - Tô Pouco Me Lixando part.Conrado e Aleksandro 23:25 Jefferson Moraes - Vou Levando 26:15 Fred Liel - Amor De Motel 29:05 Naiara Azevedo - Inquilino part.Zé Neto e Cristiano 31:47 Zé Ricardo e Thiago - Pra Ficar Tudo Certo part.Gusttavo Lima 34:50 Cleber e Cauan - Onde Há Fumaça Há Fogo part.Ma...
If you've upgraded to Windows 10 and are wondering how to play your DVDs without paying for a Windows store app this guide is for you! If this helped you please consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/prioritymedia?ty=h Hey Guys make sure you check out PriorityTech on our website: http://www.prioritymedia.shivtr.com Also check out our teamspeak: Blackdust.ddns.net
An officially employed man checking out the new DVDs and Blu-rays at Dollar Tree with some Goodwill media hunting thrown in, plus taking at look at "This Means War". http://www.CinemaSickness.com PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/cinemasickness MERCH: http://www.cinemasickness.spreadshirt.com FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/cinemasickness TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/CinemaSickness INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cinemasickness/ TUMBLR: http://www.cinemasickness.tumblr.com/ LISTIA: http://www.listia.com/profile/auctions/5874647
I just thought like doing this video 🎃📯🎬🎬🎬
Get 2 DVDs with 10 dance and exercise routines on www.nobodyshame.com! (We also reduced the price by $20!) www.facebook.com/whitney.thore www.facebook.com/nobodyshamecampaign Instagram: @whitneywaythore Twitter: @whitneyway
Meus dvds 10(10(2016
Baixe o aplicativo da melhor radio Sertaneja do Brasil. SantaFé Radio iOS:http://bit.ly/IOSSantaferadio Android:http://bit.ly/AndroidSantaFeRadio Site:http://www.santaferadio.com.br/ Dvd Top Sertanejo Top - Romântico - Arrocha - Universitário - Balada Vol1. Listas Das Músicas Abaixo! 00:00 Israel Novaes - Você Merece Cachê part.Wesley Safadão 02:25 Zé Ricardo e Thiago - Uma Dose Pra Lembrar 05:15 Lucas Lucco - Calma Amor 08:15 Paula Mattos - Rosa Amarela 11:35 Pedro Paulo e Alex - As Novinhas Tão Sensasional 14:46 Bruno e Barretto - Amante Carinhoso 15:45 João Gustavo e Murilo - Fecha O Porta Mala 20:50 Villa Baggage - É Tudo Delas part.Mc Bin Laden 24:41 Antony e Gabriel - Tcc - Truco, Cerveja, Churrasco 27:28 Fiduma e Jeca - Depois Da Chuva 30:41 Cleber e Cauan - Briga De Casal part.Sol...
Neste vídeo mostro minha coleção completa de DVDs, Blurays, filmes, séries, desenhos, e muito mais, em diferentes gêneros, gostos e títulos!!! Sou colecionador desde de que nasci.
Dvd Top Sertanejo Top - Romântico - Arrocha -Universitário - Balada Vol2. Novos Dvds Nos Links Abaixo ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=medwzMiKKA4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5paS9IoK7U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QndBEILQ_58 Nossas Redes Sociais » Facebook.com/TopSertanejo Top » Instagram.com/TopSertanejoTop » Twitter: https://goo.gl/Bh6HOs » YouTube: https://goo.gl/FM4nOl » Se Inscreve | Subscribe ?? » E-mail: contato@topsertanejotop.com.br » Entre em contato conosco para o seu trabalho ser divulgado em nosso canal e estar nos nossos próximos Dvds: E-mail » contato@topsertanejotop.com.br » Vídeo não oficial sem intenção de violar os termos de direitos autorais, sendo assim se sentir os direitos violados não nos envie strike, nos envie um email que retiraremos o vídeo no me...
ASMR video showing you my xbox 360 games collection and DVD's. Lots of tapping and whispering, hope you enjoy :)
Curta no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Omelhordoforroromantico Coleção Completa de DVDs da Banda Desejo de Menina: 1° DVD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbUJNEsX-Ao 2° DVD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPgpedg0j6s 3° DVD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBYeBkx5v0c 4° DVD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXxkovzMDsI 5° DVD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c5FQJz4cSs
Hey Guys! Thank you so much for joining me on this anime collection video! I hope you continue to enjoy these videos and thank you for your continued support! Until next time! Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkv6... Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrStealUrSenpai Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrstealyosenpai/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Upcom... MyAnimeList: http://myanimelist.net/profile/MrStealYoSenpai?q=mrstealyosenpai "Sustain the Industry" playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLS55OMp3-Pao20zPeAt4YVDY2nqVByGP Anime Unboxings playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLS55OMp3-PbJQTLHk83tIKCe4-d6_wSC Manga Unboxings playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLS55OMp3-PY8yzUDc1K0zz715yN10GH5 Figure Unboxings p...
Could it be, is this the end?
I've seen it coming from a far and I welcome it like a friend.
A lost love, like a bright light.
The direction I'm lacking is leading me.
So far I haven't seen a reason to be.
I've lost count of the shackles that bind me.
I'm not alone, I don't that comforting.
One more time it's my turn to make amends.
I make my own rules.
I'm sure tomorrow I'll break them again,
its getting easy to excuse my mistakes.
I'll walk this line until my conscience abandons me.
Times when you tell me that you wish you could die
and then you give me shit for even trying to be a friend.
There's no question,
I'd take your place in the light and give this darkness to you.
So here we are again.
Our paths diverge but I'll see you in the end.
Here we are I can see the end.
The direction I'm lacking is leading me.
I'm so tired and shit, I'm beat.