
featured blog posts

Cristy O'Brien Life blogger. Sometimes sarcastic. Often foul-mouthed

How To Love Your Body

Blend Images/Granger Wootz
For decades I had decided my freckles were ugly. My nose was too big, my legs too chunky and my tummy... OMG my tummy was f**king hideous. All these things combined made me disgusting. Gross. Unlovable and unable to succeed at anything.

When A Man Snaps...

Stuart Spence
This week's photions include some dishonest cameras, the latest trend in urban gardens and Houdini's great grandson.

When A Man Snaps Publisher of photions... photographs with captions

I Bloody Love My Menstrual Cup

What does it look like? How do you put it in? How do you take it out? Is it safe? How gross is it? What is its usage life? What do you mean you can wear it overnight and not flood? Well, for those of you who also want to know these answers in a very simple, unbiased way, then read on.

Cristy O'Brien Life blogger. Sometimes sarcastic. Often foul-mouthed

What To Do When A Green-Eyed Monster Attacks Your Relationship

Some people are extremely jealous of their partner’s sexual past; they believe former partners may have been more experienced or better lovers than they are. They're often so insecure they can't stop asking questions and wanting to know details even when it is self-destructive.

Matty Silver Relationship Counsellor and Sex Therapist.

Why This Week's Senate Filibuster Was A Farce

UIG via Getty Images
Besides showing us that this government has no legislative agenda, on Monday we learned that government senators have an inability to speak for the people that elected them. Off the cuff, without the talking points, they are completely inept.

Rachael Jacobs Lecturer in Education at the Australian Catholic University, and freelance writer

Don't Condemn The Couple Who Said They'd Have Aborted Their Child

Monkey Business Images
This couple is not greedy or callous. They are not trying to hurt their daughter or wish her away. They are living in a country where they do not qualify for government assistance for Aria’s treatments. They are saying these things because the cost of raising a child with special needs and extra medical needs is huge.

Tessa Prebble Teacher, special-needs blogger and podcaster, mother

Would We Like Hillary Clinton More If She Were A He?

Mike Segar / Reuters
As far as we like to think we’ve come with gender equality, the truth is that Hillary’s gender has more to do with her likeability than many people, particularly middle-class conservative men, like to think.

Margie Warrell Bestselling author, speaker, women's advocate

I Wish I Could've Been That Kid Who Stood Up To Anti-Gay Protesters In Mexico

If my uncle could have gotten married, there’s no doubt that the cake would have been a New York-style cheesecake, and the imaginary guest list would have included the most influential celebrities in the country. But instead of having a wedding and cake, my uncle spent his final years fighting against the discrimination he constantly endured in our country.

Claudia Prieto Anthropologist, foodie, bibliophile

Let's Not Get Washed Away By The Data Tsunami

Henrik Sorensen
Eventually, the flood of immersive video, business intelligence, and other data will overwhelm the ability of our digital infrastructure to support it.

Paul Scanlan President of Business and Network Consulting at Huawei Technologies

How To Pick A Nanny Who Is Practically Perfect In Every Way

Walt Disney Productions
Regardless of how much time your nanny is spending with your child, they will be caring for your most precious possession(s), not only keeping them safe but being their role model, their confidante, their teacher and their security whenever you aren't around.

Pinky McKay Blogger and author of four books on parenting

When The Bottom Falls Out Of Your Birthing Plan

Getty Images/iStockphoto
What people don’t tell you is that there are three pelvic floors. Your ‘pee hole’, your ‘love hole’ and your ‘exit only hole'. Thankfully (kinda), my first two were fine after the birth, but I had no idea of the surprise that was to come.

Zoe George Not just another blogger. Mother. Wife. Teacher. Prankster. Junk food addict. Subtle as a brick in the face.

It's Not Okay To Call Me A Wog

Dave Benett/Getty Images
In Australia, you could almost get used to being called a ‘wog’. But rather than vicious abuse, it appears more frequently as casual racism –- an issue as dangerous for a society as a verbal attack.

Nathalia Chubin Marketing things, ex-PlayStation, reader/writer, wolf mother of a global pack

Running With Walking Pneumonia: A Teachable Moment

Brian Snyder / Reuters
A lot of effort and money are — rightly — expended keeping the president physically safe. But it’s up to the president to maintain a schedule that allows for refueling, so as to be physically and cognitively at his or her best at all times. That’s what it means to be strong, tough, and truly fit for the highest office.

You Don't Want To Imagine What Causes Someone To Risk It All

Juozas Cernius/IFRC
They have told me life is no longer of any value to them or their children, and they reach a state of despair. I have seen it in Asia, I have seen it in Africa, I have seen it in the Middle East... they would rather be dead than living in conditions like that. I’ve seen situations you wouldn’t even want to imagine.

Bob Handby Australian Red Cross aid worker and ambassador

What Living On The Poverty Line Looks Like

Tatyana Aleksieva Photography
Looking back with three years of hindsight, I was so open about my poverty because I confidently expected it to be temporary. You can tell people you're having a hard time. It is much more difficult to admit that difficult is the new normal.

Laura Henning Writer of quirky black comedy


