The pregnancy announcement with a twist

All was not as it seemed in Melissa's pregnancy announcement.
All was not as it seemed in Melissa's pregnancy announcement. 

A man stands proudly holding a sign announcing he is soon to become a dad, while his wife is seen in the background with her head over a toilet bowl. At first it looks like a fairly standard pregnancy announcement with a touch of humour thrown in.

But another photo soon reveals there is one more surprise in store for friends and family of this US couple.

Mum-to-be Melissa holds the sign in the second picture and the words on the board might explain why her husband Kevin is the one with his head over the toilet bowl this time.

We're having a baby.....
We're having a baby..... 

"We're having triplets," the sign reads.

Even the couple's dog seems to be in on the joke, looking decidedly worried as he stands beside the mum-to-be in the second photograph.

The couple, who only want to be known by their first names, posted the cute announcement on Imgur in February and were surprised at how quickly it was seen by thousands of people.

or three!
or three! 

"It caught fire so fast that a lot of people we knew found out online before we had even had a chance to send the announcement to them directly," Kevin told Huffington Post

The post has now been viewed by more than 426,000 people around the world.

"There would be a me-sized hole in that wall if the second picture happened to me," one viewer joked.

"I want to say congratulations, but I think 'good luck' is more suitable," said another.

The couple's three boys were born on June 28 and Kevin could not be more proud.

"My wife is a rock star and did such an excellent job keeping herself and the babies healthy and continues to amaze me with how strong she is and how great of a mother she already is," he said. 

"It was certainly the greatest moment of our lives."