Just For You

Mind, Body & Fitness

If men had periods, would pads and tampons be free?

What if men had periods?

Imagine a world where, instead of being grossed out or nonplussed by menstruation, men experienced the monthly phenomena alongside their female compadres.

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Gastro and the mummy mean girls

I don't blame any first-time mother who is terrified of her or her baby catching gastro, but it will find you eventually.

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Beauty & Fashion



Disagreements over who should take time of work to care for sick children are a cause of conflict for many.

Carer's leave a source of conflict for many couples

I'm very lucky that I work for myself so I'm able to work hours that I dictate and have the flexibility to do the school runs. But whose responsibility is it to stay home to be the carer when both parents work full time out of the home? Does it always fall to one of them, or should it be a case of sharing the sick leave?

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Beth with one of her two children.

The mum who became a plumber

One company refused to give her an apprenticeship because they believed she would be too much of a distraction to the males. 

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Feature members


Beautiful in our eyes: Georgia's story

I will never deny the fact that grief has a place when you give birth to a child who brings a set of circumstances very different to what you imagined. Because for nine months, I thought I knew my Georgie.

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Premmie twins ... Shea (in the blue CPAP hat) and Tainn.

Born too early: Shea and Tainn's story

In Australia, around 57 babies are born prematurely (before 37 weeks) each day. EB member Jannette tells her story about her twin sons, who were born at 24 weeks.

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