WA News

Body-in-suitcase woman was big time gambler at casino

Perth murder victim Annabelle Chen, whose body was found in a suitcase dumped in the Swan River, was a big time gambler at Crown Casino in Burswood.

Staff at the casino say it wasn't unusual to see her there six and seven nights a week.

Annabelle Chen and one of the tiles found inside the suitcase dropped at the Fremantle Traffic Bridge.
Annabelle Chen and one of the tiles found inside the suitcase dropped at the Fremantle Traffic Bridge. 

They say she was part of a regular group of gamblers who could win or lose tens of thousands of dollars in a night - but asked staff to record only their winnings, not their losses.

"She used to come in all the time," a former casino worker said.

"She would hang out with the same bunch of people all the time playing baccarat or 'Texas hold'em' and she would watch while other members of the group played roulette.

"They could win or lose $10,000 a night but every now and then they would win $20,000 or $30,000.


"As an individual gambler she was one of the lesser group members.

"She would maybe play several hundred dollars a night while others in the group would be spending several thousand.

Annabelle Chen's house in Mosman Park.
Annabelle Chen's house in Mosman Park. Photo: Nine News

"But taken as a group they were spending an absolute fortune on the tables."

The 57-year-old was in the habit of only recording her wins and not her losses, using her Crown membership card.

Stephen Cookson, whose head washed up on a Rottnest beach
Stephen Cookson, whose head washed up on a Rottnest beach 

"She and other members of the group would all do the same thing," the former staffer said.

"When they were losing they wouldn't hand over the card to us, but when she was winning she did hand over the card so that the winnings would be recorded."

The financial figures recorded on those cards are all forwarded by the casino to Austrac, the financial intelligence agency which investigates money-laundering.

"We always wondered if there was some form of money laundering going on because she only wanted her winnings recorded," the former staffer said. 

"There was definitely something funny about it because if you use your Crown card to record your winnings and your losses then you get some of your losses back - but she didn't do that.

"She was only interested in making sure Austrac only ever saw her winnings."

Major Crime Detectives now know that Ms Chen was last seen at her Mosman Park home around midday on Thursday, June 30.

The suitcase containing her body was pulled from the Swan River by fishermen on July 2 but it took police another nine weeks to identify her. 

During that period they released various photo-fits of the dead woman but got no major response from the public.

"We didn't recognise her at all from the photo-fits so we thought nothing of it," the former staffer said.

"But once the police had identified her and released that photograph we all said to each other 'that woman in the suitcase is the woman who used to come in to gamble all the time'."

For a number of the casino staffers, Annabelle Chen was not their first brush with the grisly side of Perth.

A number of them used to spend a lot of time talking to another casino regular - Stephen Cookson.

He was the Perth drug dealer and stand-over man whose head was found on a Rottnest beach after he had been murdered and dismembered by Aaron Carlino in 2012.

At his trial the prosecution said the murder was an attempt by Carlino to take over 56-year-old Cookson's drugs empire.

"We used to see Stephen Cookson all the time," the former staffer said.

"He would come in with a big black bag full of cash and play roulette and a bunch of other games, sometimes for $20,000 a hand. 

"We all suspected he was laundering drug money and then when his head turned up on Rottnest and the murder trial happened it turned out our suspicions were correct."

The police investigation into the murder of Annabelle Chen continues.

Earlier this week police divers revisited the Swan River close to the Fremantle Traffic Bridge where Ms Chen's body was found.

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