
Big business muscles into schools

It's a trend no one is monitoring, and it's benefiting some of the largest companies in the world.

Businesses are infiltrating Victorian schools to spruik technology, energy drinks and cars to a captive young audience.

Business lessons: critics fear big brands are muscling into schools.
Business lessons: critics fear big brands are muscling into schools. Photo: Jamieson Murphy

Fairfax Media understands the Victorian Education Department does not track businesses' involvement with schools. But critics say tougher rules are needed to ensure school lessons and teachers' independence are not compromised by commercial pressures.

Major technology companies have gained access to schools under pressure to create technology oriented classrooms. Microsoft, Apple and Google provide training, accreditation and awards to Victorian teachers, who in turn promote the products in schools and on social media.

Illustration: Matt Golding
Illustration: Matt Golding 

The companies are also creeping into classrooms as they compete to teach a new generation of students to code, a new requirement for students around the world, including for Victorian students by 2017.

Apple's coding curriculum for teachers is expected to be adopted in many schools, as well as its new educational coding app, Swift Playgrounds, which will compete with Google's popular project, Scratch.


But technology companies are not alone in their bid to access students.

Multivitamins group Swisse, Medibank Private, Telstra and Transfield Holdings have either sponsored school events, or developed marketing programs and work placements for students.

Feminine hygiene product company Libra runs a year 6 and 7 education program called "I am changing". (The company provides free resource kits to schools with tampons and sanitary pads.)

Last month, Mazda handed out a show bag stuffed with a Mazda monopoly game, pens and drink bottles to 70 year 10 Shelford Girls Grammar students after a car maintenance lesson.

Principal Polly Flanagan said the session was "purely educational". "No one said you have to buy a Mazda car," she said. "It was instructive."

Mazda's senior manager of service training Michael Thompson said the session was not about self-promotion, but conceded he wasn't shying away from an opportunity to harness "customer loyalty".

High school students are being hired as "brand ambassadors" to talk up products to their friends at parties and on social media.

Year 13, a company that has worked with Virgin Money Australia, Student Flights and Red Bull, is advertising a job for a high school brand ambassador who "has a way with words and ... can run their mouth with their friends and over social media".

Co-founder Will Stubley said the ambassadors did not work in schools, and it was a good opportunity for them to gain valuable work experience and money.

"As an overarching policy, we say, if you do want to distribute materials in schools, make sure you check with teachers and parents first."

Paul Harrison, a senior lecturer at Deakin University, said advertising had no place in schools.

He said school councils were often "quite naive" about companies wanting to be involved in schools, and undervalued their promotional capacity.

"The reason corporations are in schools is because they know there is money to be made.

"I think it is a clash of objectives: you have schools whose responsibility is to create critical thinkers, but they are buying into a corporate mentality."

Greens spokeswoman for education Sue Pennicuik called for stricter rules around businesses in schools. "It's not just an altruistic act," she said.

She said many schools were allowing companies in because they were underfunded. "They shouldn't have to rely on companies to deliver programs and provide services," she said.

Steve Brophy, Ivanhoe Grammar School's e-learning co-ordinator who received a Microsoft award this year, said he was not obliged to promote or use Microsoft products, adding that his school's primary students used the Apple iPad.

Mr Brophy, who used Microsoft's OneNote program with year 7 students while creating a 3D printing replica of the school, said new technology added substantial value in the classroom.

"Schools are savvy enough to have processes around this. For us, we don't feel they sell us anything. We make rational decisions based on the needs of our kids."

The Victorian Education Department's policy states that schools should enter partnerships with businesses only if they can "demonstrate a contribution to improve learning".

A spokesman said the business community offered "considerable benefits for students and schools" by boosting science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills and connecting students to local industry.

Apple, Microsoft and Swisse did not provide comment to Fairfax Media by deadline.