Date: 13th September 2016 at 6:27am
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After losing 6-2 to Celtic in 2000 Rangers (IL) signed Ronald de Boer and missed out on John Hartson due to a ‘failed’ medical to deflect attention away from being hammered on the park.

Yesterday, without the friendly banking terms that Dave Murray used to enjoy, the current club from Ibrox set about turning attention away from Mark Warburton’s failures with an incredible attack on Celtic.

When Club 1872 speaks out you can be certain that their comments and statements are fully endorsed by the powers in the blue room of dignity.

Linking both groups together, the Ibrox directors and Club 1872, is the shadowy figures of Craig Houston and Chris Graham.

With an in-house puppet organisation Club 1872 can go on the warpath while the board of directors of the football club sit back smugly a safe distance from their inflammatory comments.

After watching their magic hat getting trashed Club 1872 decided to play the sectarian card- this from a club whose players posed with a loyalist flute band seven days earlier and whose support chanted their hatred of catholic’s regularly through Saturday’s drubbing.

Yesterday’s masterpiece read: “Club 1872 has today written to the Rangers board requesting that they ban Celtic supporters from Ibrox until Celtic can prove they have taken substantive action against the Green Brigade and other overtly sectarian elements within their support.

At the Old Firm game on Saturday the Green Brigade displayed sectarian banners which read “Kill All H**s” and “Know Your Place H** Scum”. They also displayed banners in support of the IRA. This follows on from similar banners at last year’s Scottish Cup semi-final.”

The blow up dolls were wholly unnecessary, whoever thought they were a fun idea needs to get some fresh air and therapy along with a ban from Celtic Park.

Attempts to make the h word sectarian are laughable. It’s a word that has been used by all sorts of people to describe supporters of the Ibrox clubs, it reflects their past behaviour, it’s how you would describe a group that would trash toilets, video the damage while their hard up club picks up the tab.

Encouraging their nonsense is nice guy Stewart Robertson, the director that justified singing the anti-catholic hate song The Billy Boys during the Scottish Cup Final defeat in May.

Launching Club 1872 to the ever growing list of Ibrox fan groups Robbo said: “I am delighted our supporters have united under the Club 1872 banner. Fans are the lifeblood of this great institution and they have shown unwavering support in good times and bad.

I wish Club 1872 every success and look forward to working closely with them in the weeks, months and years ahead as we all look to take the club to the next level together.”

With things likely to get worse on the park, much worse following trips to Aberdeen and Hearts, stand by for more outraged statements from Ibrox.

With the SFA and SPFL unlikely to step in the monster created by the Five Way Agreement of 2012 is likely to get more and more dangerous. As endorsed by Stewart Robertson.