- published: 27 Sep 2016
- views: 720
Coordinates: 50°6′50″N 8°40′7″E / 50.11389°N 8.66861°E / 50.11389; 8.66861
Deutsche Bank AG (literally "German Bank"; pronounced [ˈdɔʏ̯t͡ʃə ˈbaŋk ʔaːˈgeː]) is a German global banking and financial services company with its headquarters in the Deutsche Bank Twin Towers in Frankfurt. It has more than 100,000 employees in over 70 countries, and has a large presence in Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and the emerging markets. In 2009, Deutsche Bank was the largest foreign exchange dealer in the world with a market share of 21 percent. The company is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index.
The bank offers financial products and services for corporate and institutional clients along with private and business clients. Services include sales, trading, research and origination of debt and equity; mergers and acquisitions (M&A); risk management products, such as derivatives, corporate finance, wealth management, retail banking, fund management, and transaction banking.
US vs. Deutsche Bank: Another obstacle for Merkel in election year?
Deutsche Bank on Verge of $-1 Trillion Collapse; Destroy Global Economy Too?
Deutsche Bank droht der Untergang: Bundesregierung bereitet Rettung angeblich nicht vor
MASS PANIC as Biggest Ever Bail-In to Occur in Germany's Deutsche Bank!
Stock Chart PROVES Deutsche Bank CRASHING Like Lehman Part 2!
Germany: Does Deutsche bank need a government rescue plan?
Even if Deutsche Bank Can Negotiate a Lower Fine, It Still Faces an Uphill Battle
A crise bancária europeia - Deutsche Bank
BREAKING: Real Reason Germans Were Told To Prepare for "NATIONAL CRISIS" Deutsche Bank Going Under!
America could slap Germany's biggest bank with a $14 billion fine for its role in the 2008 financial crisis. If dished out, the fine will be the biggest ever demanded by the Americans from a foreign lender. RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT Listen to us on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rttv RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
FREE GUIDE TO SURVIVING MARTIAL LAW: http://thelastgreatstand.com/freemartiallawguide/ SUPPLIES FOR EMERGENCY OR MARTIAL LAW: http://thelastgreatstand.com/explore/ STOCK UP ON SURVIVAL FOOD: http://foodforliberty.com/stand LINK TO THE STORY FOR THIS VIDEO: http://thelastgreatstand.com/2016/09/27/deutsche-bank-verge-1-trillion-collapse-destroy-global-economy-video/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUPPORT MY CHANNEL WITH THE LINKS BELOW! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAKE A DONATION: http://thelastgreatstand.com/donate-us/ SEND ME A TIP OR COMMENT: thelastgreatstand@icloud.com BE READY FOR ANY EMERGENCY FAMILY GUIDE: - http://bit.ly/2bfvb7r LAST GREAT STAND GIFT SHOP: http://www.z...
Werde ein Naivling ► http://bit.ly/1A3Gt6E Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ Kommt die Mega-Bankenrettung? Der Deutsche Bank AG droht der Untergang. Die Megabank soll in den USA $14 Milliarden Strafe zahlen, was sie in finanzieller Not bringt. Die Bundesregierung behauptet, dass man heimlich NICHT an einem Rettungsplan arbeite. DIE ZEIT berichtet das Gegenteil. Wie oft sich Regierungsvertreter mit DB-Vertretern in letzter Zeit getroffen haben, will man uns nicht verraten. Ob man die Deutsche Bank als "systemrelevant" ansieht, bleibt ebenfalls unbeantwortet... Bericht der Zeit: http://bit.ly/2cAVEcM Ausschnitt aus der BPK vom 26. September 2016 (Komplett hier: https://youtu.be/RKD9GACGVmE) und 28. September 2016 - Komplett hier: (Link folgt) Bitte unterstützt unsere Arbeit fi...
Deutsche bank cannot be bailed out since it is "Too big to bail." Prepare for the BAIL IN. Support My Work: https://www.patreon.com/themoneygps PayPal: https://goo.gl/L6VQg9 BitCoin/Tip.Me: http://themoneygps.tip.me Look In My Book!: http://book.themoneygps.com My Free eCourse to Unveil the TRUTH: http://themoneygps.com/freeecourse Tools You NEED to Prepare for the COLLAPSE: http://themoneygps.com/store ******************************************************************** Sources: Global debt climbs towards fresh high as companies and countries keep on borrowing - Japan Herald http://www.japanherald.com/index.php/sid/248011351 Deutsche Bank Denies Asking Germany to Help in U.S. Dispute - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/27/business/dealbook/deutsche-bank-denies-seekin...
Support My Work: https://www.patreon.com/themoneygps PayPal: https://goo.gl/L6VQg9 BitCoin/Tip.Me: http://themoneygps.tip.me Look In My Book!: http://book.themoneygps.com My Free eCourse to Unveil the TRUTH: http://themoneygps.com/freeecourse Tools You NEED to Prepare for the COLLAPSE: http://themoneygps.com/store ******************************************************************** Sources: 20160926_leh.jpg (913×502) http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2016/09/23/20160926_leh.jpg Why Deutsche Bank’s Shares Are at a Record Low: QuickTake Q&A; - Bloomberg http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-26/why-deutsche-bank-s-shares-are-at-a-record-low-quicktake-q-a The collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in September of 2008 -- after top U.S. offic...
Germany's biggest lender, Deutsche Bank, insists it doesn't need a government bailout amid reports of a rescue plan in case it can't pay off fines owed to the US. The bank is facing a 14bn dollar bill for selling mortgage-backed bonds before the financial crisis in 2008. Al Jazeera’s Laurence Lee reports from London. - Subscribe to our channel: http://aje.io/AJSubscribe - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera - Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | Tyler Durden for Zero Hedge reports As reported over the weekend, in an unexpected announcement Angela Merkel announced that she has ruled out state aid for Deutsche Bank, and the market reaction has been swift and brutal, with the bank's shares tumbling to a new all time low, sliding more than 6% this morning to €10.70, amid concerns that mounting legal bills, including a looming fine over its pre-crisis mortgage bond business, may force the lender to raise capital. Got Kids or Grandkids? Take a break at our new Kids Channel: (( SUBSCRIBE )) http://bit.ly/sub-to-Banchi-Brothers See the report here: https://youtu.be/nJBjG8O1RV4 Read more: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-26/deutsche-bank-stock-plunges-all-time-low-after-merkel-rules-out-s...
Deutsche Bank vows to negotiate the U.S. Justice Department's $14 billion fine lower, but even if that happens, there's still plenty of negativity surrounding the stock, according to one analyst. James Hughes, chief market strategist at GKFX, based in London, said the bank has set aside $6 billion to deal with legal fines - far less than the Justice Department's fine. He said there's concern Deutsche Bank doesn't have enough capital to cover the fine. Shares plunged to a record low on Monday after Germany's government said it wouldn't bailout the bank. TheStreet's Scott Gamm reports from Wall Street. Subscribe to TheStreetTV on YouTube: http://t.st/TheStreetTV For more content from TheStreet visit: http://thestreet.com Check out all our videos: http://youtube.com/user/TheStreetTV Follo...
O terceiro maior banco da europa está a beira do colapso, e poderá levar o sistema bancário europeu inteiro, ou mais. A causa disso está profundamente enraizada na manipulação estatal do dinheiro e da taxa de juros, e legislações protegendo o setor bancário de uma real concorrência no livre-mercado. O Banco Central Europeu zerou os juros após a crise de 2008 (esta também criada por baixas taxas de juros) e assim destruiu a rentabilidade de títulos, empréstimos e outras operações, impedindo que bancos consigam ter operações lucrativas. Do outro lado, bancos centrais e governos garantem que bancos comerciais podem operar num estado permanente de falência via reserva fracionada, o que permite um cruzamento de dependências entre estes bancos e cria a ameaça constante de que um calote leve ou...
The Real Reason Germans Were Told To Prepare For A National Crisis - Deutsche Bank Is Going Under! - Domino effect will reach the USA as well! ~~ Links: 1) http://www.activistpost.com/2016/09/deutsche-bank-going-under-real-reason-germans-told-prepare-national-crisis.html 2) Thumbnail image - Deutsche Bank by Getty, Wikimedia commons images, https://www.google.gr/search?q=deutsche+bank+wikimedia+commons+images&espv;=2&biw;=1366&bih;=589&tbm;=isch&tbo;=u&source;=univ&sa;=X&ved;=0ahUKEwiDvr67trDPAhXEAsAKHUMnBcgQsAQIJw#imgrc=_ 3) Music - Youtube Audio Library "Ambient Ambulance" https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The Twin Towers of the Deutsche Bank. Commerzbank-Tower & Maintower at night. view from south, the "Taunus" as background. Frankfurt Cathedral. Römer. St. Paul's Church. Opera House. City Theater at night. "Hammering Man" in front of the Messeturm skyscraper. "Staedel". "Bethmännchen". Frankfurt Central Station. Frankfurt International Airport. A tram in Frankfurt. Bull and Bear face-off in front of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Skyline of Frankfurt, photographed from the south-west.
This is some information I want to share on my experience with banks and money transfers in Germany as an Expat. Here are some links that I refer to during the video: www.commerzbank.com www.deutschebank.com www.targobank.de https://transferwise.com/u/8ee4b (with this link you get the first transfer free) http://refer.xoom.com/a/clk/2JpHJf (we both win $25 USD if you use this link for your first transfer) www.xoom.com
Max Civili Press TV, Rome Italian prosecutors have launched a probe into German financial giant Deutsche Bank for alleged market manipulation. The German bank imposed a sell-off of almost all its Italian government bonds as the country slid towards a debt crisis that eventually brought down the government of former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. Press TV correspondent Max Civili has the story from Rome. Watch Live: http://www.presstv.ir/live.html Twitter: http://twitter.com/PressTV LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/PressTV Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PRESSTV Google+: http://plus.google.com/+VideosPTV Instagram: http://instagram.com/presstvchannel SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/videosptv
Unser neues Album "Läuft bei Euch" ist ab sofort bei uns im Shop: http://www.wiseguys-shop.de, auf Amazon: http://amzn.to/1MDvpCj, iTunes: http://www.umgt.de/tjSrgT und Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1MVOooB zu kaufen. Du bist auf der Suche nach den Noten zu unseren Songs? Dann kannst Du dir unter http://www.meinsongbook.de dein eigenes und individuelles Notenbuch zusammenstellen oder unsere Noten als „Chorlizenzen“ herunterladen. Wir haben nichts unversucht gelassen und es geschafft. Hier ist unser neuer Song Deutsche Bahn, mit dem Video welches bereits für Aufsehen sorgte wieder Online. Jetzt direkt in unserem Kanal und damit offiziell. Wenn Dir dieses Video gefallen hat, schau doch in unserem YouTube-Channel vorbei. Dort findest Du noch weitere Videos von uns: http://www.youtube.de/wisegu...
Filmed on March 4, 2013 If you couldn't already tell, I absolutely love these elevators and the building. These are Otis SKYWAY High speed, high rise traction elevators that travel at around 7m/s (1400fpm) and were installed 2004-2005. This building has won an Emporis Skyscraper Award in 2005 as well. Brand: Otis Type: SKYWAY High-speed High-rise Traction Elevators Installed: 2004-2005 Capacity: 1700KG (~3750lbs) Speed: 7m/s (1400fpm) Floors Served: 13 (G, 23 thru 34 [some floors locked]) DT Rating: N/A
Vor allem in London, dem führenden Finanzzentrum der Welt, wollte die 1870 gegründete Deutsche Bank vertreten sein. Tatsächlich konnte schon 1873 die Deutsche Bank London Agency als erste europäische Niederlassung außerhalb Deutschlands eröffnet werden. Schon nach kurzer Zeit entwickelte sich die Londoner Filiale zur bedeutendsten Zweigniederlassung der Deutschen Bank. Mehr Information zur Geschichte der Deutschen Bank finden Sie unter: https://www.db.com/de/content/company/geschichte.htm Werden Sie Mitglied der Historischen Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank: http://www.bankgeschichte.de/
Dr Satish Ramakrishna is the MD of Deutsche Bank AG in New York. He obtained his B.Tech in Electrical Engineering in 1987 from IIT Madras. His love for physics spurred him to attend physics classes at IIT that were not part of his course curriculum. He then went on to do his PhD in Theoretical Physics at Cornell University. He delves into nostalgia and tells us how life at IIT made him who he is, how he loved astronomy and went on to become secretary of the Astronomy club and how he made the transition to a career in finance. Check this video to find more about his life and his love for everything from physics to finance. Want to Read More : http://chennai36.iitm.ac.in/from-halleys-comet-to-hedge-funds-a-talk-with-deutsche-bank-md-dr-satish-ramakrishna/
For Onnah Liew, personal commitment has always been important. Ever since she joined Deutsche Bank five years ago, she has actively initiated and participated in numerous non-profit activities. But the one that made the deepest impression on her was working with "Concern and Care", a society that cares for elderly people. In 2011 more than 19,000 Deutsche Bank employees volunteered to help around 3,000 charitable organisations worldwide. Find out more about Deutsche Bank's Corporate Citizenship activities here: https://www.db.com/csr/en/about_csr.htm Read the Deutsche Bank 2011 CSR Report here: http://www.db.com/csr/en/csr_report_2011.htm Read more about Deutsche Bank in Singapore here: https://www.db.com/singapore/
Las Vegas-based Affinity Gaming Corp. hired Deutsche Bank to advise on its strategic review, as the company runs out of time on a buyout offer from its largest investor Z Capital Partners. The offer from the PE firm is set to expire on May 19. Under the terms of the offer, Z Capital would buy the equity it doesn't already own in the gaming operator, including $119.84 million. In total, Affinity--which invested in the company's predecessor--would own $198.08 million worth of Affinity. The value represents $9.75 per share, or 9.7 times 2014 Ebitda. Affinity operates 11 casinos in Nevada, Colorado, Missouri and Iowa. Subscribe to TheStreetTV on YouTube: http://t.st/TheStreetTV For more content from TheStreet visit: http://thestreet.com Check out all our videos: http://youtube.com/user/The...
Shares in Deutsche Bank sharply up amid speculation of DoJ deal 2
Deutsche Bank On the Brink of Global Financial Collapse
OPEC reducing oil output, Deutsche Bank in the dumps
OPEC reducing oil output, Deutsche Bank in the dumps
Deutsche Bank Destruction to Lead World Collapse 2016 Election Predictions
German Chancellor Angela Merkel cannot afford to bail out Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) given the hard line Berlin has taken against state aid inp other European nations and the risk of a political backlash at home, German media wrote on Saturday. The government denied a newspaper report on Wednesday that it was working on a rescue plan for Germany's biggest bank, as its shares went into a tailspin fueled by a demand for up to $14 billion from U.S. authorities for misselling mortgage-backed securities before the financial crisis. Germany, which has insisted Italy and others accept tough conditions in tackling their problem lenders, can ill afford to be seen to go soft on its flagship bank, the Frankfurter Allgemeine wrote. "Of course Chancellor Merkel doesn't want to give Deutsche Bank any stat...
Click Below to watch the whole series. David Morgan http://www.successcouncil.com/live_presentation/register_here_VIP_David_Morgan.php?a_aid=5106e35d53c7e Ed Griffin http://www.successcouncil.com/live_presentation/register_here_VIP_Ed_Griffin.php?a_aid=5106e35d53c7e Jeff Berwick http://www.successcouncil.com/live_presentation/register_here_VIP_Jeff_berwick.php?a_aid=5106e35d53c7e Kriss Peterson http://www.successcouncil.com/live_presentation/register_here_VIP_Kriss_Peterson.php?a_aid=5106e35d53c7e Matt Trainer http://www.successcouncil.com/live_presentation/register_here_VIP_Matt_Trainer.php?a_aid=5106e35d53c7e Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/ContrarianDude Like me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/councilsuccess Click here to learn how to protect your wealth during th...
The top story: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe unveiled the stimulus package he hoped would give a strong boost to the economy. Elsewhere, GDP figures showed the British economy grew faster than expected in second quarter of the year, with growth coming in at 0.6%. Ameera David has details. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports on the Fed’s latest monetary policy and what it signals about future policy. Then, RT Correspondent Marina Portnaya details how Donald Trump is busy attempting to woo Hispanic voters in Florida as Hillary Clinton finishes out the democratic convention as the first major party female nominee. After the break, Ameera talks to Money Strong founder Danielle DiMartino Booth about the US and Japanese economies and the monetary policy response. And in the ...
Im Film "Der Fall Deutsche Bank" von Autor Dirk Laabs zeichnen Zeitzeugen, Insider und ehemalige Mitarbeiter die Geschichte vom Aufstieg und Fall der Bank nach.
The U.S. is slapping Deutsche Bank with a $14 billion mortgage-backed securities related fine. Ameera David has the details. Then, RT Correspondent Peter Oliver reports from Berlin on the EU leaders summit in Bratislava, Slovakia, where German Chanellor Angela Merkel said that European Union is in a ‘critical situation.’ Alex Mihailovich then joins from Toronto with disappointing Canadian manufacturing data, and Bianca Facchinei reports on an IMF study on how war has ravaged Middle Eastern economies. After the break, Victor Matheson, professor of economics at the College of the Holy Cross, breaks down FIFA’s corruption troubles, and how the NFL is dealing with concussion backlash. And finally, in The Big Deal, Edward Harrison looks at the German reaction to the TTIP and CETA trade deals, ...
(BBC sport) Deutsche Bank Championship final leaderboard (USA unless stated) -15: McIlroy (NI) -13: Casey (Eng) -12: Walker -11: Scott (Aus) -10: Reed, Gomez (Arg), Hahn Selected others: -9: D Johnson -8: Knox (Sco) Day (Aus) -7: Spieth -6: Garcia (Spa) -4: Stenson (Swe) -1: Rose (Eng) Full leaderboard Rory McIlroy won the Deutsche Bank Championship to claim his first PGA Tour title for 16 months. The Northern Irishman started six shots behind overnight leader Paul Casey, but seven birdies in a six-under-par 65 saw him finish two shots clear at 15 under. England's Casey, 39, missed an eagle putt on the final hole at TPC Boston that would have forced a play-off. It was 27-year-old McIlroy's first tournament win since the Irish Open in May and first PGA title since May 2015. The victory ...
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-27/deutsche-bank-profit-plunges-98-and-worst-yet-come Subscribe to my other channel The Political Gameshow: https://www.youtube.com/c/thepoliticalgameshow http://www.jmbullion.com (Recommended for Silver and Gold Purchases.) http://www.realistnews.net
By: Sebastian Matula What are some of the key indicators about the future of the global financial system? Should we be worried about Deutsche Bank? Why should/would it be a new Lehman Brothers? Where is the financial system going? Tune in as these and other questions will be discussed and analyzed.
Miután az Európai Bizottság 13 milliárd euróra büntette az amerikai Apple céget, egy amerikai bíróság 14 milliárd dollárra büntette Deutsche Bankot, melynek jegyzett tőkéje 16,5 milliárd euró, a derivatív pénzügyi termékeknek való kitettsége azonban 42 ezer milliárd dollár! Részvénye 10 éve 116 eurót ért, ma 11 eurót. 2013-ig vezetője egy operatív bilderberges Joseph Ackermann volt. A Deutsche Bank a legnagyobb európai piramisjáték, amely ha bedől, borul a teljes európai bankrendszer.
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