Archive for the 'Gene Hackman' Category


News: Clint Eastwood

December 22, 2006

Next up for the living legend that is Clint is the Japanese side of the Flags of Our Fathers story, Letters From Iwo Jima. Both movies have been nominated for Golden Globes, and could well see the same happen at the Oscars - especially as, by all accounts, Letters is rather better than Flags, despite being far lower budget and made entirely in Japanese. It’s due out on 23rd February.

Also out next year - and doubtless of interest to some - is the computer game version of the Eastwood classic Dirty Harry, complete with the man himself on voice duties, along with the talents of the likes of Gene Hackman and Lawrence Fishburne. It’s the first new Dirty Harry outing since the rather shoddy 1990 Nintendo Game Dirty Harry: The War Against Drugs, and the first time Clint will have played the character since the fifth (and so far final) sequel to the 1971 original, 1988’s The Dead Pool. Here’s hoping it’s not as bad as that travesty was…