Archive for the 'Courtney Cox' Category


News: Courtney Cox

October 20, 2006

Following her initial apparent big-screen success with the Scream movies, the curse of the former Friends stars seems to have come back to hit Courtney Cox, Daisy the Cow in this week’s Barnyard, with a vengance. If initial responses to her next film are anything to go by, she’ll soon be doing even worse than fellow ex-Friends star Matt LeBlanc, whose spin-off sitcom Joey is at least still going, even if it is rubbish.

Her next project is the Tim Allen “comedy” Zoom, where Allen shamelessly rips off last year’s mediocre Sky High as an ageing superhero teaching a group of kids how to take over his mantle. But ignore the plagiarism - the worst crime is the utter lack of any laughs. How long until Jennifer Aniston, with her string of so-so romantic comedies, is the only Friend with anything resembling a Hollywood career - and so how long until the increasingly inevitable reunion special?