WA News

Perth wedding ring mystery sparks Facebook search for owner

A simple band of gold found in a Perth street has sparked a major Facebook search to find the wedding ring's owner.

Facebook user Tony Croce sparked the search after he found the ring on the road in North Perth near Coles.

A wedding ring found on the road in North Perth has sparked a Facebook search for its owner.
A wedding ring found on the road in North Perth has sparked a Facebook search for its owner. Photo: Facebook/Tony Croce

His post was picked up and shared by fellow Facebook user Stephanie Lee.

"Engraved on the inside is the wedding date 28/5/55. We would love to get this back to its owner - 61 years is a very long time to be married and now sadly without a ring to show it," she posted.

She described the ring as a man's gold band engraved with a woman's name, which starts with the letter G. Also engraved in the ring is what Stephanie described as "a sentiment".

"I won't reveal the name or the sentiment so that when the owner comes forward they can confirm it is theirs and any random person can't claim it," she wrote.

She has asked the post to shared as widely as possible in the hope of tracking down the owner.