10 things you didn't know about incoming RBA power team Philip Lowe and Guy Debelle

A global financial meltdown, the China-led mining boom and Europe's debt crisis - Glenn Stevens has been the steady hand at the helm of Australia's central bank through it all over the past decade.

This weekend marks the end of an era as he hands the keys to the Reserve Bank to his deputy, Philip Lowe, and Guy Debelle. They take over in a period of slower economic growth, ultra-low inflation and high levels of debt, and with central banks' effectiveness under scrutiny.

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Tintin and the rocker: meet the incoming RBA bosses

Philip Lowe and Guy Debelle are the unlikely duo taking the reigns at the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Stevens says he leaves the RBA "in very good hands". "The Reserve Bank will, I am confident, go from strength to strength under the leadership of its new governor," he said in his final speech this month.

Here are 10 things you probably didn't know about the new leadership team:

Five things you didn't know about Philip Lowe

  1. He joined the Reserve Bank as a teenager and studied economics at night
  2. He was born in Wagga Wagga, not far from another RBA governor, Bernie Fraser
  3. He met his wife at the RBA
  4. His hair is so red and his presentation so neat, he has at times been called Tintin
  5. He was dux of both his junior and senior high schools

Five things you didn't know about Guy Debelle

  1. He hosted Velvet Nights, a late night punk music radio program
  2. He was the point person who kept the financial system alive during the global financial crisis
  3. He plays rhythm guitar in an RBA house band called The GFC
  4. He helped write the rules that govern the international financial system
  5. He once worked a reference to The Saints "Know Your Product" into a Reserve Bank presentation

Read more about the RBA's new power team on this website and in the weekend Sydney Morning Herald and The Age newspapers.