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The Interactive Fiction Database is an IF game catalog and recommendation engine. IFDB is a Wiki-style community project: members can add new game listings, write reviews, exchange game recommendations, and more. Tips & More Info

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A new listing for Fantastic Backflip, by Norbez September 17, 2016
A game about a friendship between two generations. Contains dancing, sign language, foul language, and a punk. __________ Alright Evelyn, time to go. No big deal, just getting up in front of the whole...
MathBrush reviews Everybody Dies: "A short, illustrated grungy story about intertwined fates" September 17, 2016
"This game won 3rd place in the IFComp the year it was entered, and is one of the shortest games to ever make the top 3. It has quite a..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews Life on Beal Street: "A short TADS game with some paragraph-size text substitutions" September 17, 2016
"This game was a CYOA-experiment in 1999's IFComp. You simply choose whether to advance the story or end the game. You can only advance..." - See full review
A new listing for A Hymn Long Silenced, by Lapdog September 16, 2016
A short fantasy game, exploring the long undisturbed ruins of a forgotten temple. My first game so comments are welcome. Written in Twine 2.
MathBrush reviews Firebird: "A lengthy retelling of a Russian folk tale in parser form" September 16, 2016
"This game does a good job of recreating the feel of an old Russian folk tale, similar to the feel in Grimm's fairy tales. You are tasked..." - See full review
MathBrush reviews Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure: "A college bro-type goofy game that is polished and long" September 16, 2016
"Between the end of Infocom and the beginning of Inform, the biggest news was Unnkulia. This was the first game in the series; it is long,..." - See full review

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IFDB Recommends...

Deathless: The City's Thirst, by Max Gladstone
Negotiate water rights from scorpion gods in this necromantic legal thriller! Discredit your boss, solve murders, and reanimate your own...

A Study in Steampunk: Choice by Gaslight, by Heather Albano
Steam-powered mechs meet forbidden sorcery! Inspired by Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Jekyll & Hyde, and Jack the Ripper, "A Study in...

The Frequently Deceased, by Emily Short, Failbetter Games
A family of promising youngsters have killed their Governess again. This time, she hasn't come back. Question servants across London. The...

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#2Wade Clarke
#3Sam Kabo Ashwell

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