Federal Politics

Labor forces PM into three-week plebiscite wait

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a fiery question time in Parliament on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will be forced to wait another three weeks to find out if Labor will reverse course and vote for a $170 million national plebiscite to be held on Feburary 11, 2017.

Turnbull government Senate embarrassment

Senator Jane Hume speaks to a near-empty Senate at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday.

The Turnbull government has suffered more embarrassing scenes in Parliament, with senators forced to give rambling monologues about their colleagues and favourite television shows because the government had no bills ready for debate.

Dole minister ducks charity challenge to live on $38-a-day

Social Services Minister Christian Porter did not address the question of living on $38 a day when approached by Fairfax ...

He bills the public up to $435 a day in "travelling allowance" while staying away from home on official business. But could the minister responsible for the dole, Christian Porter, make just over half that amount stretch across an entire week?

'No evidence' Liberals broke rules with Parakeelia

Liberal Party federal director Tony Nutt gave his assurance the party would assist in any investigation into Parakeelia.

A preliminary Auditor-General investigation into the Liberal Party's taxpayer funded use of the electorate software Feedback - operated by party-owned company Parakeelia - has concluded the arrangement doesn't breach any electorate or parliamentary rules.

'A term of delivery': Tony Abbott pops up again

Tony Abbott in the House of Representatives during the chaotic final hours of the previous sitting week of Parliament.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott is maintaining his high-vis presence in national media, using morning television to cement expectations of "a term of delivery" for the Turnbull government.