

Pole sitting as the Glenelg River broke its banks and caused flooding around Casterton in western Victoria over the weekend.

'Quite extreme' weather set-up

Sydney may be in the midst of one of its mildest starts to any spring but clouds are gathering over inland Australia in a big way.

'Amazing extremes' pushing plants to the brink

Eventually, the drought can become a burden too great. This home near Ivanhoe was abandoned to the dust ...

Australia's inland plants are among those most likely to be affected by rising temperatures, challenging the concept that the country's weather extremes would make them less susceptible to global warming, a new study has found.

The rise of the super-typhoon

Eye of the storm: Super Typhoon Soudelor bears  down on Taiwan in 2015.

The most destructive categories of tropical storms to strike the heavily populated regions of east Asia are becoming more intense.

Eastern gorillas near extinction: report

Critically endangered: The Eastern gorilla.

Illegal hunting in Democratic Republic of Congo has wiped out 70 per cent of Eastern gorillas in the past two decades and pushed the world's biggest primate close to extinction, a Red List of endangered species shows.