Collect more high-quality leads with Facebook

Drive Online Sales with Facebook
Facebook is a quick and effective way to connect with customers interested in hearing more from your business. Even on mobile, you can make it nearly effortless for people to submit their contact info, leaving a clearer path to more, higher quality leads.
Let people request a newsletter subscription, price quote or demo with just a few clicks, on any device.
Let people request a newsletter subscription, price quote or demo with just a few clicks, on any device.
Customize your forms to get the info that matters to you. Even ask open ended or multiple-choice questions.
Customize your forms to get the info that matters to you. Even ask open ended or multiple-choice questions.
Integrate with a CRM to update your leads in real-time so you can take immediate action.
Integrate with a CRM to update your leads in real-time so you can take immediate action.

Learn how to collect more high-quality leads with Facebook

Set up a Page

A Facebook Page gives your business an online presence and a way to engage people who like your business.

Create a Lead Ad

Lead ads make it easy to for people to request more information from your company, and are available in multiple creative formats, like video and carousel.

See Lead Ads Guidelines

Refer to Facebook Ads Guide for recommendations on lead ad design, copywriting and sizing specs.

Learn Lead Ad Tips for Success

Get the most out of your lead ads with essential tips for creating your ads, reaching the right people and optimizing your lead generation campaign.

Get Lead Ad Help

Visit Advertiser Help Center for answers to questions on creating and using lead ads, CRM integration and other information that will help you maximize results.

Choose Your Ad Audience

Reach audiences who should see your ads before they have to search for you. Target ads to your audience by location, age, gender, interests and more.