
Donald Trump recommends Hillary Clinton's bodyguards disarm to see 'what happens to her'

New York: Once again raising the spectre of violence against Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump called for disarming the bodyguards who protect his Democratic rival, musing about the consequences by saying "Let's see what happens to her".

"I think her bodyguards should drop all weapons," Trump said at a rally in Miami late on Friday night. "They should disarm immediately. Take their guns away, let's see what happens to her."

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Trump: take Clinton's bodyguards' guns away

US Presidential candidate Donald Trump suggests rival Hillary Clinton's Secret Service agents be stripped of their weapons to "see what happens to her."

He suggested that the US Secret Service should stop protecting Clinton because, Trump falsely claimed, she was "against the Second Amendment".

"Take their guns away, she doesn't want guns. Take their guns away, okay. It will be very dangerous."

Both candidates have been protected by the Secret Service for months, but Trump's latest take on Clinton's security detail brought swift denunciations, particularly from Clinton allies.

"Tonight, Donald Trump once again alluded to violence against Hillary Clinton," said Elizabeth Shappell, spokeswoman for Correct The Record, a pro-Clinton media watchdog group.


"This is a truly deplorable comment that betrays our nation's most fundamental democratic values," Shappell said in a statement.

Stuart Stevens, a Washington-based political consultant who worked on Republican Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign, tweeted: "The Secret Service should investigate this threat".

An attendee wears a "Basket of Deplorables" shirt as a nod to Hillary Clinton's accusation of Trump supporters before a ...
An attendee wears a "Basket of Deplorables" shirt as a nod to Hillary Clinton's accusation of Trump supporters before a speech by Donald Trump on Friday. Photo: Bloomberg

Presidential nominees are protected at all times by heavily armed teams of secret service agents, some uniformed and some undercover, who are devoted to the candidates' physical safety. To voluntarily disarm would put the candidates under their protection at grave and unnecessary risk.

Trump's comments were a provocative echo of widely condemned remarks he made at a meeting of the National Rifle Association in early August, when the Republican nominee suggested that gun rights supporters should rise up against Clinton if she was elected to stop her from appointing judges who might favour stricter gun regulation.

The once formidable Clinton advantage has evaporated.
The once formidable Clinton advantage has evaporated. Photo: Leigh Henningham

"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks," Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added, "Although the Second Amendment people - maybe there is, I don't know."

But those gathered to hear him speak on Friday evening went wild at the suggestion that Clinton be stripped of armed protection, interrupting Trump with cheers.

Donald Trump at the Trump International Hotel in Washington.
Donald Trump at the Trump International Hotel in Washington. Photo: Bloomberg

His comments seemed intended to rapidly shift attention away from roiling anger and outcry over his earlier appearance Friday in Washington, when Trump finally admitted President Barack Obama was born in the US but accused Clinton of fanning doubts about it. Saying very little, he then sought to take credit for ending a controversy that he had personally and energetically stoked for five years. 

In May, Trump accused Clinton in a Twitter post of hypocrisy for accepting armed secret service protection while supporting some limits on access to weapons for civilians. That tweet also levied a false accusation against Clinton, suggesting she supported a ban on all guns. She does not.

"Crooked Hillary wants to get rid of all guns, and yet she is surrounded by bodyguards who are fully armed," Trump said. "No more guns to protect Hillary!"

New York Times, Reuters