
Latest education news

Top Education chief executive officer Minshen Zhu with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Education company could reap millions from visa program

The education company at the centre of a donations furore that put a halt to the front bench career of Senator Sam Dastyari is one of the greatest beneficiaries of the government's streamlined visa program, new data from the department of education reveals.

Graduation day.

Our universities' global rankings revealed

Australian universities' investment in research has driven improvement in their global rankings, according to a global higher education think tank that produces one of the most influential world university league tables, released Tuesday. 

Depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and substance misuse are the most common problems affecting students' mental health.

The truth about university rankings

The Good Universities Guide is released Monday, and in it, prospective students and their families will get a very different picture of Australia's top universities.

Urban Growth's public relations specialist, Holly Langler, giving a lesson to school children.

Sydney schools hit with 'propaganda'

NSW Labor has labelled a children's book being distributed to the state's schools by the NSW government as "propaganda" for highlighting the benefits of the government's multi-billion dollar re-development of the Bays Precinct in central Sydney.

University of Wollongong in Dubai enrolments have surged by 41 per cent in the past five years.

Taking the unis to the students

Building campuses offshore can be a risky business for Australia's universities. But a new invitation from India could change all that.

NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli with students at Cherrybrook Technology High School.

HSC reforms push 'progressive' issues

Students will focus on the environment, the role of women and the role of Aboriginal leaders in modern Australian history, in a set of reforms to the HSC syllabus to be announced by the Board of Studies on Wednesday.