Naoki Hiroshima


Creator of , no longer Developer for , Father of two, Harley and Chopin Lover, Hiraganist.

Palo Alto, California
Participa desde março de 2007

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  1. Guest request: - Mono, Xamarin, Microsoft, remote work, etc

  2. How come It took as long as 5 months to welcome to ! Better late than never, tho -

  3. Finally replacing f'ing Apple Maps with goddamn ugly Google Maps. I need to get back to work.

  4. Can't Catch 'im at All 😂 @ Palo Alto, California

  5. Coming home after few miles walking after dinner, this little guy welcomed me at the gate. @…

  6. For those who have no idea what "nerikiri" means, see

  7. I submitted "Nerikiri" for what should , and you should do the same at

  8. ですますちょうで しゃべった だけで ほめられる、って すごい キャラ だね。ほんとうは、めうえの ひとを むじょうけんに たてる、でんとうを おもんじる むかし ながらの シャイな にほんじん なのに。

  9. Chrome people finally removed "Delete to go back" but it doesn't matter to me. I like Safari better.

  10. Geohash library written in Swift -

  11. 134: Everything Becomes N (, )

  12. Guest request: - LLVM linker, 8cc, Stanford, career, etc.

  13. 35 years ago today, Bernie was elected mayor by 10 votes. If 10 people hadn't shown that day, we might not be here today. Your vote counts!

  14. How come OSStatus of -34018 (errSecMissingEntitlement) is still the case? Keychain is a piece of shit :-(

  15. When we talk, it's Go or Shogi. But when we play, it's Chess. miyagawa

  16. Heroku sent me Ruby's birthday cake. Thank you.

  17. 相変わらず、口が悪くて (^^;;;、褒めてんだか貶してんだか。

  18. Enjoyed the Jobs movie, and I needed to stay until the very last moment for .

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