  1. It's the fruitful result of their hard work + meditation for which Dr.MSG always encourages !!

  2. Nobody can stop them,if they start with GOD's blessings & firm will !!.

  3. BJP's HQ in Mumbai is illegal but case filed against for raising his voice against BJP's corruption.

  4. PERFACT RELATIONSHIP is not that u never get angry with each othr it's how fast u resolve and bounce back to normal

  5. Just in: Delhi Govt Sources- LG Najeeb Jung made Delhi ministers Satyendra Jain & Kapil Mishra wait for 20 mins & then refused to meet them.

  6. Sr Sikh IFS who quit over Bluestar, took asylum in Norway, happily returned, contested on AAP tkt, sits in Lok Sabha

  7. To stretch it to religious choices of all-India svc officers is a low blow. Our current envoy in Riyadh a Muslim IPS

  8. Its either my way or thy way:-) Better latter; since YOU have been around from big bang, U know all the ways (hacks)

  9. Governor of Gujarat Sh O P Kohli calls on PM to wish him on his birthday.

  10. Made Seva(minus corruption) in Govt space aspirational & fashionable. Leading by example Shramameva Jayate.

  11. My warm greetings and good wishes to PM on his birthday

  12. NZ warm up ahead of second day's play v Mumbai

  13. Happy bday to ji. Good to know he intends to spend day with tribals in Gujarat! 👍

  14. お昼ご飯食べて Bollywoodのホラー観て まあまあ綺麗な公園連れてってもらった!今朝会ったインド人に😌 映画 日本円にして 200円 笑 結構クオリティ高かった 満足💚🙆🏻

  15. 三百円笑 @ Main Bazar, New Delhi

  16. I'm at インディラ ガンディー国際空港 - in New Delhi, Delhi

  17. さんへの返信


  18. 変顔送った時のアブちゃんの反応😌😂 大好き〜

  19. goodbye india. これから帰路です! (@ インディラ ガンディー国際空港 in New Delhi, Delhi)

