Monday, 29 June 2009

All victims deserve equality

Last week I was very honoured and equally humbled to sit in on a meeting between representatives of Relatives for Justice and the current Mayor of Belfast Naomi Long.

The meeting had been facilitated by Sinn Féin Councillors Paul Maskey and current deputy Mayor Danny Lavery.

The meeting was requested in light of the 27th of June being declared as ‘Armed Forces Day’ in Britain. At committee level it was proposed that the City Council here in Béal Feirste fly the ‘Armed Forces’ flag from the city hall for a number of days in the run up the date. An amendment from the Alliance Party saw this proposal change from a number of days down to just one day. In relation to this matter I must agree with one of the family members who put it directly to the Mayor that one day of hurt was just as bad as seven days of hurt; a hurt is still a hurt.
I suppose that brings us to the core issue, articulated so well by the families during the meeting. The civic institutions of this city, our city, a shared city, are not reflective of the nationalist/republican experience or indeed the experience of those families who have lost loved ones as a result of collusion and state violence. The trappings of city hall for example, are the trappings of domination and militaristic oppression. The very same regiment responsible for the murder of Belfast citizens is honoured with its very own window in the heart of city hall. No such window exists for those 70 children murdered by the British State.

As we move forward in society I don’t believe that any right thinking person would try to deny the Unionist community of their past and of their right to remember their loved ones; RFJ made it very clear that that was not their intention and never would be. We need to create the space where everyone’s legitimate and genuine experience of hurt and loss is remembered within civic Belfast.

The flying of an ‘Armed Forces’ flag from the city hall is offensive to the Nationalist and Republican community and most likely to those forgotten families within the Loyalist/Unionist communities who lost loved ones as a result of collusion and state murder. I think most people would have hoped that following the RIR’s March of Shame through the centre of the city, Belfast City Council would have at the very least acknowledged the potential hurt these issues can inflict and take the feelings of victims of state violence and collusion into account. On this occasion it would seem that they did not. On Thursday representatives of those families gathered at the City Hall to remember their loved ones, to show the world that the experience of the British Army and the occupation of Ireland from within the Nationalist/Republican community has been a traumatic, hurtful and at times a truly shattering one.
You can view a video of that protest here

I hope that last weeks meeting was indeed the beginning of a process to bring about space for our shared hurt and our shared experiences of conflict. As it stands Belfast City Hall and other locations show nothing of my outlook on life, of my culture, nor is it reflective of the community and situations from which I come. I can only imagine the hurt and pain the flying of this flag, as well as all the other militaristic trappings of city hall cause to those families, given the offence it causes me. I commend their dignity and ability to want to move forward so bravely and in not wanting to dilute anyone’s experience or feelings, simply create the space required for their own, within their own city. You can learn much more at

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Friday, 19 June 2009

Racism draws focus of the world to this part of Ireland

On Wednesday morning I visited the O-Zone Leisure Centre in the Ormeau Park. I was there with Martin McGuinness and the party's representative in Balmoral Vincent Parker. Vincent, who is a member of the south Belfast DPP, as well as the head of Sinn Fein's Equality and Human Rights Department, had spent some time the previous night at the City Church in the south of the city with those families forced to flee their homes.

I didn't really expect, if you could even prepare yourself for it, for the scene in the main sports hall of the O-Zone. Strangely it could have passed for a typical 'Family Fun Day'. The kids were running around laughing, giggling with their parents, getting handed juice and sweets, the older people mingled, talking and chatting, sharing stories and the latest sceal.

What strikes you fairly soon is that this wasn't a 'fun day' by any means. Families had fled to the centre after a number of attacks on their homes by, what Martin McGuinness described as 'racist criminals'. He was right, that's exactly what they are; people with no consideration for people, for families, for communities or for life.

I watched as Martin held a 5 day old baby girl, Fernanda, in his arms, a child born in our city but so early in life subjected to such hatred her family had to flee their homes.

The eyes of the world are upon us, for all the wrong reasons.

What is always clear though is the dogged determination of the Irish people to rally to the support of those in need. We have been subjected to the slogans of 'No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish'. More so than most we, as a people, have felt the cruel hand of intimidation and discrimination.

What must happen now, is that we as a people must stand united and face down the scourge of racism; we must face down the results of this racism like what we witnessed over recent times, but more importantly we must face down, root out and eradicate the source of this racism. The notion that one group is better, superior or more entitled than others. The notions that one section of people have more rights than another; we must continue to do what the deputy First Minister began on Wednesday morning, we must face racism and prejudice where and when it raises it head and we must say to those responsible that they will be rejected by the people, whether it be racism, sectarianism, prejudice. 

The PSNI must take this matter seriously, they must deal with those responsible, regardless of the repercussions it might potentially have within a certain community. Racism is commonly described as a cancer and that is exactly what it is.

I hope as a citizen of Beal Feirste, that the statutory agencies will act as decisively as the people of the city and do what they can and must to help assist those people subjected to this hatred.

Beirigi Bua! 

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Taim ar ais.....

Sin e a chairde, treimhse cruaigh, deacair, tuirseach ach ar doigh. Ta Bairbre anois ar bharr an phoill agus is e Sinn Fein an phairti is mo sna se chontae.

Comhgairdeas Bairbre!!

I hope to be blogging a bit more often now that the election campaign has ended (for now at least!)

And what an election it was!!

I was up at 6am Thursday morning and straight to St Matthews Primary School to do polling agent from 7am to 10am. It was a long slug, but as always the people of the Short Strand turned out in support of the Sinn Fein candidate. 

This of course was on the back of some intensive canvassing by the South & East Belfast team over the last few weeks and months.

On Friday we were up first pop again and down to the Nation's Capital.

We were sent to South West Inner City to assist with Cllr Criona Ni Dhalaigh's camapign for re-election to the city council.

We stamped the many streets in that constituency, including the many flat complexes, and got a brilliant response for Criona on the doors, she is clearly a very well know and well respected worker in that community.

Of course we were seeking Mary Lou McDonald's re-election to the European Parliament also, we always knew this would be a tough task as the constituency had been reduced from a  4 seater to a three seater. What I can say is that Mary Lou got a brilliant response on the doors, she was well known and well liked; sadly she didn't retain her seat on this occasion but thankfully a candidate on the left in the form of Joe Higgins was elected from the Sinn Fein transfers. Adh mor Seosamh!!

I was back in Dublin on Saturday for the council election count in the RDS, naturaly I was delighted that Criona was re-elected and that we made numerous gains across the 26 County State. We still have a lot of work to do, we still need to make Sinn Fein very firmly at the heart of political life in the 26 and we need to continue to ensure that our voice, our policies, the politics of Republicanism is the one that people turn to in the future.

Returning to the Six Counties, I attended the count at the Kings Hall on Monday morning with a very upbeat and resolute Sinn Fein contingent. As predicted by many, Bairbre de Brun topped the poll, the first Nationalist or Republican politician to do so in the history of the statelet

It was clear from appearances that neither the DUP or the SDLP were happy bunnies that day.

So sin e!

When it is all said and done we have returned in Bairbre a first class representative for the people of the north.

I have no doubt she will continue her work on behalf of everyone she represents here in the north of Ireland. 

Hopefully the horrendous images from Monday of Diane Dodds of the DUP refusing to shake hands with Bairbre will not be a sign of things to come from the DUP. Here's hoping it was just sour grapes and that she will mature a bit before joining Bairbre and Jim Nicholson of the UUP on the international stage!

The DUP have taken a hit but Peter Robinson needs to take control of his party, now more than ever and he needs to face the naysayers within his own ranks down or he faces the danger of those very same forces gobbling him up; and that is to the benefit of no one!

Beir Bua.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

phone company o2 needs to respect language rights

Caithfidh O2 meas a léiriú do Ghaelgóirí – Ó Donnghaile

D’iarr urlabhraí Shinn Féin d’Oirthear Bhéal Feirste Niall Ó Donnghaile ar an comhlacht guthán phóca O2 míniú cén fáth nár glac siad le ainm agus seoladh duine trí mheán na Gaeilge.

Dúirt an tUasal Uí Dhonnghaile,

“Chuaigh fear ón Trá Ghearr i dteagmháil liom le rá nár glac O2 le ainm agus seoladh s’aige as Ghaeilge. Cuir sé teachtaireacht chucu leis na sonraí seo ann ach níor ghlac O2 leis.

Faoin Cairt Eorpach um Teanga Réigiúnacha agus Mionlach, chomh maith le Comhaontú Aoine an Céasta, tá ceart ag saoránaigh an foirm ghaelach dá ainm agus seoladh a úsáid gan bac. Faoi láthair sa Trá Ghearr tá breis agus 90% de sráid ainmneacha dhá theangach cheanna féin. Níl fadhb ar bith ann go dtí seo ag an chórais phoist leis seo.

Tá a lán comhlachtaí gutháin ag obair le Gaelgóirí agus is rud dearfach seo.

Tá gearán déanta ag an fear agus tá muid ag súil le freagra agus réiteach leis an fhadhb ó O2 gan mhoill.” CRÍOCH
Mobile phone company O2 must respect the Irish Language – Ó Donnghaile

Sinn Féin’s East Belfast representative Niall Ó Donnghaile has called on the mobile phone company O2 to explain why consumers have not been able to register with the company using the Gaelic versions of their names and addresses.

Speaking this afternoon Mr Ó Donnghaile said,

“I have been contacted by a resident in the Short Strand who tells me he received a text message from O2 asking if he wanted 4 free SIM cards; all he had to do was text them back with his name and address. The man did this using his name, which is in Irish and his postal address which is also in Irish, he was then contacted by O2 to say this would not be accepted.

The reality is that under equality legislation, the Good Friday Agreement as well as the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages, citizens have the right to use the correct Gaelic version of their names and addresses. In the Short Strand alone, almost 90% of the street names are officially bi-lingual. Much like myself, the Royal Mail has no problem delivering post to this man’s home when he uses the correct version of his name and address, it is therefore difficult to understand why there is a problem with O2.

Other mobile phone companies in Ireland are actively working with the Gaelic speaking community and in some instances they can avail of predictive texting in Irish, amongst other initiatives.

I know the man in question has been in contact with the O2 complaints department and I would call on them to urgently clarify if they are discriminating against Irish speaking citizens or if this is a simple oversight.

I, like man concerned look forward to hearing the explanation from O2 and hope to see this issue rectified as soon as possible.” CRÍOCH

Thursday, 21 May 2009

it's no wonder he's smiling!!!

this report featured in this weeks South Belfast News.....

MP tops ‘other expenses’ list in Westminster

South Belfast News 20th of May 2009

by Alana Fearon

As the MP expenses scandal rumbles on at Westminster, it has been revealed that South Belfast's only MP is the third highest expense claimer in the north.
Alasdair McDonnell is currently one of 18 MPs from the north with a seat in the House of Commons and number three on the local highest expenses claimers list.

In the last three financial years, the SDLP man claimed a total £444,862 in expenses for his role as South Belfast MP, according to the Sunday Times MPs' expenses list. It also shows that Dr McDonnell claimed £22,000 in "other" costs making him the joint first highest claimer in that category out of all the MPs in Westminster.

North Belfast DUP MP Nigel Dodds was the highest expenses claimant in the north followed closely by fellow DUP MP Jeffrey Donaldson.

However figures revealing that Dr McDonnell's total expenses claims from 2005-2008 amounted to almost £450,000 have caused controversy among the South Belfast-based Northern Ireland Residents' Coalition.

The Sunday Times list shows the South Belfast MP claimed a total £156,830 in expenses in the financial year 2007/8 making him the 150th highest expense claimer out of the 646 MPs at Westminster.

The SDLP MP and MLA claimed £23,083 for his second home allowance, £16, 967 in office expenses, £94,769 in staffing costs - the 56th highest staffing costs in the Commons - and £22,011 in "other" costs. Other costs includes travel, IT, postage and stationary and makes the SDLP MP the joint first highest claimer in that category.

He also claimed £9,310 for regular journeys between his home, constituency and Westminster and £320 for family travel costs. He claimed no London supplement.

In previous years he claimed £145,728 and £142,304 in total respectively.
Stranmillis resident Andrew Charles from the NI Residents Coalition said Dr McDonnell should explain his claims.

"Despite having two constituency offices, one of which is only open part-time and the main office which is on the same site of his GP surgery, which was recently relocated to a new fancy premises, these costs seem to be on the high side given that he is also an MLA," he said.

"The people of South Belfast have a right to ask our MP to stand over these expenses. How can he be the third most expensive MP in NI, and still practice as a part–time GP according to his register of Member’s interests? Dr McDonnell should come clean with the electorate as to his costs and job priority. South Belfast needs a full-time politician.”

The House of Commons Register of Members' Interests states that the South Belfast MP is a part-time GP, owns a farm in Co Antrim from which he gets rental income, is paid his MLA salary and has shares in Arrow Travel in Belfast. The register was last updated on May 6 but Alasdair this week denied being a practicing GP.

Dr McDonnell went on to say that many of Andrew Charles claims were "disingenuous".

"I am not a practicing GP, I am a full-time politician working as hard as I can to deliver the best constituency service possible across South Belfast to all of the people of South Belfast.

"Mr Charles states that some of my rent claim for 'fancy' new premises 'seem to be on the high side. I would ask Mr Charles what qualifies him to make these assertions and query whether he has been inside the constituency office where he is more than welcome to visit.

"I run two constituency offices across South Belfast and pay for the rent of my main office on the Ormeau Road out of my own pocket. The only thing I don't pay for out of my own pocket is staffing costs and utility bills."

The SDLP man went on to say that his party believed in total transparency, clarity and accountability surrounding MP's expenses.

"This is public money for public roles and therefore must be entirely justifiable," he said.

"I am on public record for backing calls for the early disclosure of expenses and fully support the planned full publication procedure agreed by parliament and I fully stand by all my expense claims.

“I am fully committed to the people of South Belfast who I have had the privilege to serve since 2005 as MP. All the expenses I receive are used to provide the highest constituency service to all of the people of South Belfast."

He concluded by saying: "One would hope in the interests of all Northern Ireland residents that Mr Charles is asking the same questions of Nigel Dodds and Jeffrey Donaldson who have both submitted higher claims.

“Otherwise Northern Ireland residents will be entitled to ask is Mr Charles simply doing the bidding on behalf of his friends in the DUP who are in no position to lecture anyone on the use of public funds."

Monday, 18 May 2009

Stoop Down Lower Party

contrast the image of this so called republican (above) with the image of cork native ronan o'gara the other week!

Saturday, 9 May 2009

thanks for the photos micky

One of the greatest privileges I as a Republican have is getting to meet and know the families of our Patriot Dead. This is something any Republican recognises as a very privileged and humbling experience.

So on Easter Sunday morning of this year, before the big events of the day, Republicans in Belfast decided to hold a small ceremony honouring the families of those Belfast Óglaigh on the Roll of Honour, the event was hosted by the National Graves Association, I was honoured to be asked to chair it.

We met several times in advance of the event, Easter is an exceptionally busy time for Irish Republicans, to discuss what it would entail. Obviously Easter is a busy day for people so we were expecting a healthy but realistic amount to come to the poignant and reflective gathering. We wanted to provide the families of those members of Óglaigh na hÉireann, Cumann na mBan, Na Fianna Éireann and Cuman na gCáilíní with a chance to get together, to have cup of tea, to meet up and have yarn before the march to milltown that lay ahead.

The purpose of it was also for us to say, 'we're with you, we thank you and we remember you and your loved ones and the sacrifice that you and they have made for our struggle'.

Tom Hartley, Belfast's First Citizen, and one of our party's finest orators, was the man who made the presentation to the families. The bronnadh itself was a small Easter Lilly, Tom spoke of it symbolising, purity, life and love, fitting attributes considering the people we had gathered to remember that day. The presentation was made to the Family of Fian Gerard McAuley, the first name on the recent Belfast Roll of Honour, and the family of Óglach Harry Burns, the last name on our Roll of Honour. Each family was then asked to send a representative to recieved a lilly from the various representatives in the hall. Nothing could have prepared us for the sheer volume of families who were with us that morning, Tom made it very clear that next year big Bob will have to book a bigger venue!

I look forward to it!

It was an honour to be associated with the event and I thank Micky for sending me the photos.

Beir Bua!

Short Strand Artwork

Bhí láinseáil de múirphictúireacha sa Trá Ghearr an seachtain seo chuaigh thart, bhí dóchas orm cuireadh a fháil go dtí an imeacht seo.

A number of artworks were launched along the so-called 'peacewalls' (that's a term i just dislike) in the Bryson and Madrid Street areas of the strand this week.

The Mayor of Belfast, Cllr Tom Hartley was in attendance as was chair of the Council's Good Relations Unit, Naomi Long MLA.

While there was a very healthy debate at the Short Strand Partnership on the merit of putting art displays up on the walls, the final products were clearly impressive to everyone at the launch.

I took some convincing, and still am not totally convinced that this is a brilliant thing, i would be much more in favour of getting rid of the bloody walls altogether but nevertheless while there they give an opportunity for people right across the community to turn a negative into a positive and express themselves in an artistic fashion. Now that is important.

Fair play to everyone involved, especially the group from the Doyle Youth Club and Short Strand Community Forum.

The photo shows me with Paul McCrory (who we all know as Coccher) with Tom Hartley, Naomi Long and the guys from the Doyle who along with artist Tom Agnew, put a lot of work into the artworks.

I must say however that I am deeply upset and offended at the manipulation of these artworks by the Irish News to take a photograph of an Israeli Ambassador at them without consenting anyone in the community beforehand. The short strand community is one that is very sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinian people and gave extremely generously when the local Sinn Féin Cumann went door to door collecting on behalf of the besieged people of Gaza. No one, least not an Israeli official should use this situation as a comparison to the illegal wall encaging the people of Gaza, no such legitimacy for their illegal and brutal activities will be found by cynically using this communities difficulties to forward an unacceptable Israeli myth!

Monday, 4 May 2009

i haven't been blogging as much.....there's an election on!!!

Gabhaigí mo letihscéal as an easpa bhlagadóireacht ar na mallaibh a chairde ghael, ta muid i bhfoirm feachtais toghchána agus ta fhéin fíor gníomhach, mar a gcéanna le gníomhaithe shinn féin fud fad na tíre seo!!

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately friends and comrades, we in sinn féin are on the election footing of late and like most of the party throughout ireland that's where attentions will be firmly fixed between now and june 4th.

I will do my best to get on and blog between now and then as regularly as possible, in the meantime for anyone who actually cares the twitter is going strong over at

in the meantime why not read the latest bulletin for the rosetta area of south belfast over at

san idirlinn beirigí bua!!!

Monday, 27 April 2009

A National conversation on Irish Unity

(Gerry Kelly, Alex Maskey, Bairbre de Brún & Gerry Adams)
Yesterday (Sunday) saw the third of this year's Sinn Féin 'Townhall' meetings held in St Mary's University on the Falls Road.

I and a number of other East Belfast comrades made our way over to hear the conversation that was due to take place.

Mo chara, Alex Maskey chaired the event and Gerry Adams kicked things off with an opening address encompassing a lot of the key political, social and economic factors facing us today but also in the time ahead and how it impacts upon our own struggle.

Following Gerry our current and soon to be re-elected MEP Bairbre de Brún spoke of her work at the EU but also the work that lies ahead not just for her and Sinn Féin but for Ireland and Irish society as a whole. Europe will play a vital role during the economic downturn, it is key that Ireland has a strong voice at it's centre.

The questions were opened up to the several hundred people attending the meeting.

Questions varied from Interface issues, to economic and social issues, to outstanding issues such as equality for the Irish language, a number of people also asked Bairbre about the specifics of her work as an MEP; of course people asked about Sinn Féin's work in Assembly as well.

What is crucial in all of this is that the meetings (10 in all) indicate a very confident and capable leadership who are prepared to go out on a regular basis and engage with such a broad shade of the public (the only party in Ireland to do so) but it also indicates the capable and confident activist base that Sinn Féin has, that they are so regularly willing to keep those elected reps on track and aware of where the grassroots are.

The other striking thing from yesterday and indeed other townhall meetings I have attended, was that the body of the hall wasn't just made up of Sinn Féin activists and members; people from right across the spectrum of our community come along to listen to the updates but also make their opinions heard.

Long may they continue!

(Alex Maskey, Balmoral Representative Vincent Parker, Gerry Adams, Baibre de Brún and Myself at Sunday's public meeting)

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Bairbre de Brún visits Short Strand

Bhí BPÉ Bairbre de Brún ar camchuairt thart ar an Trá Ghearr inniu, buail muid isteach ar chuairt ag cúpla teaghlaigh difrúla ar fud an cheantar.

Bairbre this evening paid a visit to the Short Strand and called to a number of families in the district. This followed our attendance at the Sinn Féin Townhall meeting in St Mary's this morning. The meeting was very positive and given it was early on a sunday morning very well attended!!

During her visit Bairbre heard from a wide number of residents on various issues, not least around housing and the development of the Mountpottinger Barracks site and the Sirocco Works.

No doubt she'll be in again and will use her time to sit and listen to the people in areas like the Strand right across the Six Counties, that's what wins elections I suppose, and that's what Sinn Féin are good at!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

The Night We Named Bobby Sands Street

The following is taken from the Bobby Sands Trust website

The Night We Named Bobby Sands Street

by Pedram Moallemian, former Iranian student

Shortly after the revolution of 1979, Iranians were busy changing names. Names of thousands of streets, buildings and even cities that had been named after the Shah, his family or others close to the former regime needed to be changed and replaced by new idols and symbols of the revolution. Perhaps the most prominent was Tehran’s major thoroughfare going from Pahlavi Street to be named after the regime’s renowned adversary, Dr Mohammad Mossadegh.As teenagers, we didn’t limit the move to names related to the former regime though. My family lived in a new development where streets were numbered but that didn’t stop us from changing ‘19th Street’ to ‘Mehdi Rezaei Street’. Mehdi was one of the youngest victims of the former regime, having been arrested, tried and executed, all before his 21st birthday. He was someone we could relate to.The process was just too easy. We would make cardboard signs in the shape and size of actual street signs, replace the old ones or better yet glue new ones on top and wait until people started using the new name. In many cases, they were eager to do it, particularly when it was a name of a despised character they were replacing.Other times, it never actually ‘took’. Shahreza Avenue, named after the patriarch of Pahlavi dynasty, was quickly changed to ‘Enghelab (Revolulion) Street’ but our old street is still called 19th, to this day.Imagine the chaos all of this had caused everyone, from cab drivers and mailmen to just ordinary people who were not sure what street their own houses were on anymore. But chaos is just part of any revolution and this was another ingredient of ours.So, by that faithful day in May of 1981, when the news of Bobby Sands’ death was received in Iran, we had plenty of experience and there was no way the memory of someone we considered a great revolutionary who had stood up to the British for his people and at the highest cost could be forgotten.It happened more on a fluke. I was part of a small circle of friends, all under 15 years-of-age that was always attending speeches together, covering the local streets with political graffiti, distributing flyers and occasionally getting beat up by those we pissed off. One of us lived on a street that backed onto the British Embassy in the heart of Tehran and because of this central location and his parents’ more liberal approach, we’d often gather at their flat.Our original plan to honour Sands was far more risky. From their windows, you could see the Union Jack flying prominently in the embassy’s yard. We wanted to sneak in at night and replace it with an Irish flag! That plan ran into a few problems. If there was a place to buy an Irish flag in Tehran, the 13- and 14-year-olds in our gang had no luck finding it. We made one, but it looked horrible and because the colours we had used were closer to the Iranian flag, we were worried it would be taken as the wrong flag and maybe the wrong message.We finally decided on a big white sheet and wrote ‘I.R.A.’ across it. Even that was problematic, as we tried it once on the roof and it was so heavy, it would not wave and be seen fully and we were worried that if it just sits hanging from that pole, it’ll only be a white sheet and nothing more. There was also a concern about guard dogs we had never seen, but could occasionally hear on the other side of the wall.With all that, the flag plans were abandoned late one evening with all of us frustrated and exhausted.Then somebody within the group brought up an old practice: let’s rename the street. I honestly wish I’d remember who said it first to give him full credit, but I just don’t after so many years.The plan wasn’t as exciting and adventurous, but we were desperate at this point. We all agreed and had soon bought large white construction paper and navy magic markers to make signs. I was the most graphically gifted of the bunch, so I’d draw the shape of the actual signs, copying the real ones made by the city and the rest of the gang would colour and cut them. We made about twenty of them and got out when it got dark to cover the old signs.Next evening we returned to see if any of them were left and to our surprise there were a few new ones made by others too and, thanks to the glue we had used, even the ones very close to the embassy compound had remained in place. However, the occasional missing corner was proof someone had tried to remove them. Soon the entire street had new signs and the city officially changed the name also.To me, the first big victory came a few months later when at another Tehran street corner, where passengers holler their destinations to passing cabs in hope of being picked up by someone feeling the route is profitable enough, I heard a woman yell, ‘Bobby Sands!’ The name had stuck and it was now certified and far more official than the city putting up actual metal signs.The larger victory, however, was when we discovered the embassy had been forced to change their mailing address and all their printed material to reflect a side door address in order to avoid using Bobby’s name anywhere.What we had no idea about, was how the news of our little ‘prank’ that had turned much more significant now, had reached across the great distance to get to Ireland, its people, the activists and even some of the remaining prisoners.Years later I was told of how that little gesture had showed them they are not alone and even in far away places, people respect and honour their struggle.Maybe one day I’ll be walking down an Irish street and be pleasantly surprised when I get to Mossadegh Square. Maybe.

Footnote: In 1981 the Iranian government was officially represented at Bobby Sands’ funeral and presented to Mrs Sands ‘a plaque from the people of Iran’.

Friday, 24 April 2009

out and about in south and east belfast today......

Martin McGuinness stands firm

Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness Martin McGuinness MP, MLA held a press conference at the internationally known Free Derry Corner this afternoon following news of death threats made against him from people purporting to be Republican.

You can read Martin's press release here

Action Cancer's 'Big Bus' visit to Short Strand

Action Cancer's 'Big Bus' paid a visit to the Short Strand today; I took a dander round this afternoon and met with some of the staff on board. They were very happy with the amount of people who had called in and availed of their services, including breast screening checks, men's health checks and alternative therapies.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Bairbre de Brún MEP

Bhí Feisire na hEorpa Bairbre de Brún ar cuairt go deisceart Bhéal Feirste um trathnóna, bhual le grúpaí áirithe thart fán cheantar agus í ansin.

Six County MEP Bairbre de Brún today joined, Alex Maskey, Sinn Féin's representative in Balmoral, Vincent Parker and myself on a number of engagements in south Belfast.

Our day began at the Shaftsbury Recreation Centre on the Lower Ormeau Road, a brilliant centre, currently undergoing a multi-million pound development. Bairbre met and spoke with local community worker Gerard Rice about the current work of the 'reccy' plus the plans that lie ahead for the extension. While there Bairbre, a former school teacher (she taught me French and Maths in the Méanscoil!!), paid a quick visit to the SureStart Mother & Toddlers group based there too.

From there we went the short distance to South & East Belfast's Irish Language and Cultural centre An Droichead.
Agus muid ansin bual muid leis an fhoireann agus ansin le muinteóirí agus daltaí ó Gaelscoil an Droichid.

While there we met with An Droichead's co-ordinator Dr Pól Deeds, he and I as Board members of An Droichead took the opportunity to brief Bairbre on the exciting plans for the development for the scheme into the future.

a lán obair romhainn ach faoi ceaanaireacht Pól agus a leithead tús maith againn.

Afterwards Bairbre met with teachers and pupils from the adjoining Gaelscoil an Droichid. A number of representatives from the school's student council informed us of the school's plans for a bio-diversity garden in the grounds of the school.

Iontach deas!!

No doubt we'll be welcoming Bairbre back into the constituency over the coming weeks, she'll be stomping the streets of the Short Strand with me this weekend, and I have every confidence people will come out to meet and engage with their current and future MEP.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


Photo: Seán Lennon, Sue Ramsey MLA and Paul Maskey MLA

I got word this morning of yet another attack on Connolly House Advice Centre on the Andytown Road.

This is the third such attack in the space of a fortnight, worse again though is the fact that a plaque with the local Republican Roll of Honour was very badly damaged. Coming just after Easter, and with an upsurge in anti Sinn Féin graffiti along the road I think this is indicative of just what kind of people are engaged in these attacks, and they certainly aren't republican!

Paul Maskey issued this statement on the attack just a short while ago,

Attack on Connolly House condemned – Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin West Belfast MLA Paul Maskey has condemned those responsible for an overnight attack on the Connolly House advice centre on the Andersonstown Road, the third in the space of two weeks.

A number of paint bombs were hurled at the property and a plaque with the names of Volunteers on the local Roll of Honour was destroyed.

Speaking this morning Mr Maskey said:

“This attack is the third in a very short period but it will not detract Sinn Féin from our work.
‘It comes after an upsurge in anti-republican graffiti throughout parts of west Belfast.

‘The attack on the Connolly House advice centre and, in particular, the desecration of the Roll of Honour isn’t just an attack on Sinn Féin but an attack on our community.

The people of west Belfast overwhelmingly support our political project, they have made that clear at elections but it was also made very clear when thousands upon thousands lined the Falls Road at this year’s Easter Parade.

‘I have no doubt that this latest attack will only serve as another clear reminder, if one were needed, that those responsible are not Republican and offer our community nothing for the future. Sinn Féin has come under attack in the past and we will not be deterred from our Republican work.

‘We will also not allow anyone to deface or disrespect the proud memory of our Patriot Dead.”
Sean Lennon, Chairperson of the Andersonstown Commemoration Committee and brother of IRA Volunteer Danny Lennon, whose name is on the Roll of Honour that was destroyed in the attack, said:

‘When we think of the sacrifices made by our Patriot Dead and then compare that with the actions of these people, it shows how far removed they are from republicanism and from our community.

‘In the past couple of weeks, they have stopped children from going to school, they have caused the closing of Health Centres, they have caused the evacuation of elderly people from their homes and, in doing so, they have attacked the entire West Belfast community.

‘The attack on this plaque is an attack on the families of the Republicans whose names are on the it.

‘I am calling on these people to explain how they are advancing the cause of a United Ireland by these acts of wanton destruction.

‘Connolly House has been attacked many times in the past by the RUC, the British Army and their unionist murder gangs.

‘The people who did this should know that Republicans won’t be deterred by these pointless and disgusting attacks.’ ENDS

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Easter 2009

treimhse na Cásca beagnach thart don bhlian seo.

Bhí na mílte ar sráideanna Bothár na bhFáll De Domhnaigh agus bhí an aimsir galanta buíochas le Dia!

Bhí a lán ag titim amach le linn an paráid i mbliana agus is léir ón 'feedback' go raibh daoine iontach sástá leis.

The Easter period is coming to a close and what an Easter it was. Thousands lined the Falls road on Sunday afternoon and were clearly impressed by this year's Easter Parade. A massive comhgairdeas to everyone involved in running the Parade every single year, it continues to get bigger and better.

Gerry Adams gave the main oration at the Republican Plot in Milltown, you can read the full text of that speech here

Yesterday I also made my way to the local commemoration in the New Lodge area of north Belfast.

Easter Sunday night saw Republicans in the Short Strand gather for a fundraising night for An Tine Bheo memorial project.

The do was packed to the doors and I have no doubt that the project was well supported, as it always is, by the local community. I was very honoured to chair the proceedings on Sunday night.

An Tine Bheo will continue to fund raise over the coming weeks and months in order to erect a fitting tribute to our local Patriot Dead. A particular word of thanks to the projects friends in Scotland who are always working to assist in this endeavour.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Gerry Adams meets Gazan PM

Gerry Adams and Ismail Haniyeh

na 7 sínitheoirí

Today was a nice day in Stormont, the last before a break usually are, but this one was particularly nice due to the small but poignant launch of Robert Ballagh's 7 Signatories art series, commissioned by Sinn Féin.

Robert is a well known and well renowned artist here at home and overseas. He is also very open about his politics, much of which is expressed in many of his piece's.
Along at today's event was another Irish artist Brian O'Doherty, formally known as Patrick Ireland. Brian is from Ireland but settled in Nua Eabhrach/NYC in the early 60's. Following the events of Bloody Sunday in 1972 Brian wanted to express solidarity with the Irish people in struggle and vowed to sign all of his art with the name 'Patrick Ireland'. Recently he quite literally buried the persona of Patrick Ireland due to the strides made in the Irish peace process.

deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness launched Robert Ballagh's artwork at today's event. He spoke of the revolutionary document that was and is the 1916 Proclamation. He urged people to take the document down from the many walls that it adorns in homes throughout the Nation and to read the words, to understand it and to work to achieve it's aims.
We were joined by a number of other Sinn Féin MLA's and Minister's as well as our MEP for the Six Counties Bairbre de Brún and a number of republicans and party activists.
It was a lovely launch and I was delighted to be involved with it in a very small and modest way.

Interestingly, Brian O'Doherty is also here on a mission to create a work of art welcoming people to the Gaeltacht Quarter in Béal Feirste, I look forward to seeing that!

Go néirí leat Brian!
PS. as always with Republicans there's a funny story! Myself, Máirtín Ó Muilleoir, Robert Ballagh, Brian O'Doherty along with my brother Seán were all within seconds of disaster as a power cut at Stormont kicked in a fraction of a second before the lift door's closed on us trapping us in darkness inside! Thankfully Bobby Ballagh was able to prize the doors open for us, we decided then we would just walk to the canteen for some lunch!!
You can also find out more about the artwork at

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Gearóid Mac Adhaimh san Gaza

Tá Uachtaráin Shinn Féin Gearóid Mac Adhaimh i nGaza mar chuid dá cuairt go dtí an Méan Oirthear.
Is féidir preas ráiteas s'aige a léamh ar agus is cinnte go mbeadh sé a mblagáil air fosta

Monday, 6 April 2009

that's my letter off....

as Stevie Wonder would say, 'signed, sealed, delivered'.

That's the letter to the Secretary of the Commission for Local Government Boundary Review.

The reason I'm doing so is because thus far they have chosen to ignore the submissions requesting, where demand is there, recognition of Irish place names within the new local government structures.

At the time I and several others, addressed the commission at Malone House through the medium of Irish. We made our case that where desired and practical, then the commission should allow for the recognition of Irish place names, in most cases the original names of the location anyway!

Hopefully the added pressure will bear fruit, particularly given the fact that over 80% of the original submission were in favour of this position.

Tá meas tuilte ag gaelgóirí ar fud na Sé Chontae ach go hairithe sna áiteanna ina bhfuil sí beo, bríomhar!

new homes on short strand

looks like the Belfast Media Group have added a few videos to their YouTube page, including myself.

Local Government Boundary Review urged to respect Gaelgóirí

Tchím go bhfuil ráisteas curtha amach ag Franice Brolly ó Shinn Féin inniu ar an Commisiún don Athbhreithniú ar Rialtais Áitiúil.

Is léir ó phóintí Francie go bhfuil an commisiún ar nós cuma leo faoi dearcadh breis is 80% d’iad siúd a léirigh tacaíocht s’acu don Ghaeilge.

Is féidir tuilleadh a léamh ar

It’s a pity that the local government boundary review commission seems to be ignoring the vast majority of submission, over 80%, in support of Irish place names within the new local government structures.

I think Francie Brolly’s statement, released earlier this afternoon, puts all of this into context for Gaelgóirí……

Council Boundary Review has opportunity to respect the Irish Language; it should take it – Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin MLA and spokesperson on the Irish Language, Francie Brolly, has called on the review of Local Government Boundaries to use this opportunity to head the overwhelming majority of submissions, calling for recognition of Irish place names within any new boundaries.

Speaking today Mr Brolly said,

“We would ask that the Local Government Boundaries Commissioner consider the use of Irish language ward names alongside the English version, and that in areas where the demand is clearest – e.g. throughout west Belfast, the Irish language version should always appear alongside the English language version.

Such a move would be in accordance with local and E.U. law, as well as international best practice. There is a clear demand for such a move, as demonstrated by the submissions on the provisional recommendations, there is a natural geographic, historical and current social justification for recognition of Irish language ward names in certain areas, and there is a precedent for such a move by the Commissioner.

The blank refusal of the Commissioner in his report on the revised recommendations to consider the merits of recognising the Irish language version of ward names (in many cases, the original names) is regrettable.
Were the commissioner’s reasoning for this decision to prevail, this would be a significant opportunity missed. Accordingly, we would question some of that reasoning.

For example:

a. Why does the Commissioner believe that the Local Government Boundaries Commission is not an “associated body” under the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages? Is this the Commissioner’s opinion, or was he told this, and if so, by whom?

b. Referring to the Good Friday Agreement, the commissioner reports that his difficulty is in assessing whether there is “appropriate demand” for such a move. How does the Commissioner justify this statement, considering the already well documented concentration of Irish speakers and institutions in many wards, and in light of the fact that over three quarters of respondents in Belfast (82% by one estimation) called for Irish language versions of wards to be recognised? Also, is the role of the Commissioner not to make recommendations based only on the findings of his Commission, and if not, are there other areas where he has called for “further work… to be done in support” of a clear demand.

c. Following on from this, how does the Commissioner justify such a minimalist approach to Irish language place names in contrast to his willingness to recognise the ward names of Blackstaff and Duncairn “for reasons of history and geography/heritage of the area and the associations which local residents have with the name” (Paragraphs 3.1.22 & 3.1.23 from Revised Recommendations), especially considering that in both of these cases the decision was made on the request of only two submissions?”

Mr Brolly continued,

“The Commissioner could again, if he wished, take one simple step towards recognising the identity of a portion of our society, and the cases of Duncairn and Blackstaff demonstrate that it is within his power and remit to do so. Such a small move in recognising Irish ward names would have the knock-on effect of affording to Irish speaking and nationalist communities a greater sense of ownership of the democratic process.

The abundance of gaelscoileanna, Irish language centres and Irish language organisations and businesses in many areas, as well as a Gaeltacht (Irish speaking) Quarter in Belfast and regional Irish language media, are all proof of the present strength of the language and of an Irish language identity in the north of Ireland. Adding to this are the widespread and often successful attempts to have street names recognised in Irish.”

These realities are not addressed by the revised recommendations and we strongly recommend that they are taken into consideration before the final report is produced.” CRÍOCH

Saturday, 4 April 2009

nuacht is déanaí

just reading through the latest copy of the 'Doyley Mirror' the paper produced by the local youth club, the Doyle.

It's a great, consistent wee paper with lots of info about what the kids in the Strand are engaged in from month to month. This month's issue focus on the hard work put in by many at the Doyle to make this year's local St Patrick's Day parade such a success.

It also covers the wide range of projects that many of the groups are involved in, as well as keeping us informed of what services the club provides for a broad range of age groups within our community.
Particular praise must go to the Short Strand Forum, they have been engaged in carrying out a traffic survey in the area, close to the Doyle Youth Club itself. I met and spoke with a number of members of the Forum, they asked me could I arrange for them to meet with Roads Minister Conor Murphy on this issue, I duly obliged and spoke to Conor about it last week. He is more than happy to meet with the group on the issue so hopefully we'll start to see their hard work and the hard work of ourselves in Sinn Féin to reduce traffic flow past the Doyle and School start to pay off!!

Today activists from South & East Belfast Sinn Féin were continuing to distribute the latest party newsletter throughout the constituency. Today it was Ravenhill's turn. We'll be out again tomorrow, who said Sunday was a day of rest??!!!!lol

You can view the latest bulletin @

During the week an electoral registration and ID Clinic was held in the Short Strand community centre, it was a brilliant success. Many people who may not have otherwise been on the list went out of their way to make sure their democratic voice was heard and made sure they were on the list and that they had the necessary ID too!

Friday, 3 April 2009

Céiliúradh na Cáisce 2009

Last night was our last meeting of the Belfast National Graves Association before Easter Sunday. A lot of hard work and preparation goes into the events at Easter, work carried out by a very broad spectrum of Republican activists from across Béal Feirste.

This afternoon I joined fellow National Graves Association member Annie Cahill (widow of the late Óglach Joe Cahill) at the Féile FM studios on the Falls to discuss the importance of Easter for Republicans and also a bit about the work of the NGA.

Republican stalwart Joe Austin, who interviewed us, made the point that Annie and I represented that same broad spectrum of Republicans who would, along with thousands more; take to the streets of the city on Easter Sunday to remember our Patriot Dead. That we will, and proudly too!!
Remembrance can be a conflicting issue here in the city and that is a sad thing. Many people from different political perspectives have analysed and written about this issue before now. I don't know that they have all of the answers, I'm not even going to attempt to go into the outstanding issues that remain, but what I do know is that Republicans have a right to remember and honour our dead and that we are working to understand and respect those from other traditions who seek to honour theirs.
This was never so evident than when Alex Maskey as Mayor of Béal Feirste laid a wreath at the City Hall to remember those Irishmen who fought and died at the Somme. This year I joined the current Mayor, Tom Hartley in making that very same gesture.

I also noted a motion at this years Ard Fhéis from Ógra Shinn Féin calling for respect and rightful promotion of the Easter Lily across the 32 Counties.
At the start of the week we launched the Lily in the offices at Stormont; a number of journalists told me that some Unionists had approached them, saying that the Lily was a 'contentious' symbol, nothing could be further from the truth.
Easter is an important time for Republicans, a time when we join together solemnly to remember those who gave their lives in the pursuit of Irish freedom, a time when we stand in solidarity with their loved ones and give them thanks for the burden they bore.

Appropriately, it is a time also where we begin anew; where we listen to the words of the 1916 Proclamation, the bedrock of our politics and recommit ourselves to achieving those realisable and winnable goals.

We rightly gather as a Republican Family to honour Ireland's Dead and we do so not to offend or to hurt but to remember and remind ourselves of the work that lies ahead. Easter is a solemn time for Irish Republicans but it is also a hopeful time and once again up and down this country men, women and children will gather and commemorate, they will listen to the words of history but they will be eager to work for the future.

That is the task before us this Easter and every Easter until we achieve our republican, political objectives.

Honour Ireland's Dead, wear an Easter Lily

Short Strand Féile 2009

Photo: me on the left with fellow members of the Short Strand Partnership and Community Forum with Mayor Hartley at last year's Féile

The Short Strand Festival Committee gathered once again this morning to plan ahead for this year's festivities.
Some new faces joined the committee, which always adds new thoughts, ideas, inputs and opinions.
Tá a lán obair romhain ach ag amharc thart ar an cruinniú ar máidín, mar is gnáth tá daoine fíor abalta inár measc. Bhí cuid de na smaointí ar máidín iontach dearfach agus maith, ta me a dúil go mór leis an próiseás agus an Féile é fhéin!!!

Thursday, 2 April 2009

ar aghaidh linn arís...............

Tá Shinn Féin i nDeisceart agus Oirthear Bhéal Feirste amuigh ar na sráideanna arís an seachtain seo.

Aréir fuair breis is 900 tithí sa Trá Ghearr an nuachtlitir is déanaí, tharr an deireadh seachtaine beidh muid amuigh i ndeisceart na cathrach.

Níl an nuachtlitir ar an suíomh go fóill ach beidh roimh i bhfad, coinnigh suas chun data ar

is maith liom seo......