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  2. LNP, in Opposition, were 'holier than thou' in refusing to accept Craig Thompson's vote? Not so holy now

  3. I presume, that this means you wholeheartedly endorse 's racism & bigotry?

  4. When you haven’t bothered to show up to work and everyone knows you've quit but your boss

    Labor powerbroker Stephen Conroy resigns from the Senate
  5. Comment gagner plus d'argent avec son site/blog sur In Australia/6h: 1. 2. 3.

  6. . Nous pensons que ce plébiscite est absurde et dangereux. Nous avons une meilleure idée :

  7. LIBERAL AFFAIR | Developer bans are 'unfair' on Liberals...

  8. "miscalculisation"????

  9. Our policies deliver a fairer, more sustainable, more flexible system to support retirements incomes -

  10. One Simple Comic Explains Climate Change

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