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Heide director Kirsty Grant resigns

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Kirsty Grant, the director and chief executive of Melbourne's Heide Museum of Modern Art, has resigned after two years at the helm "to focus on freelance art and curatorial projects".

Ms Grant was previously a curator at the National Gallery of Victoria where she produced critically acclaimed exhibitions on Australian modernist furniture and Robert Jacks.

Heide chairman Steven Skala said Ms Grant had "brought substantial organisational and cultural leadership to Heide, as well as a great breadth of knowledge of Australian art".

"Kirsty is highly regarded by Heide's board, staff and volunteers as well as externally, and while we are sorry to see her leave at this time, we wish her every success as she pursues new curatorial and creative opportunities," Mr Skala said.

Ms Grant said it had "been a privilege" to work at the museum and thanked her colleagues and the Heide board.

She was appointed in November 2014 after her predecessor Jason Smith departed to the Queensland Art Gallery.

Ms Grant will step down in December and the board will begin canvassing options for her replacement "shortly".

The sprawling Heide property in Melbourne's north east was owned by art benefactors John and Sunday Reed from the 1930s and frequented by some of Australia's best known modernist painters before it was transformed into a public art gallery and gardens in 1981.