Karen Coulter’s EF! 30th Anniversary Tour

[The tour, which occurred in 2011, has continued through 2013 with speaking engagements throughout the Northwest and the Rockies. Keep an eye out for dates in your area.]
“30 years of Earth First!” speaking tour with Karen Coulter

Tentative Schedule
(several dates are pending, schedule is subject to change):

Feb 4: New Orleans, LA
Feb 5: Lafeyette, LA
Feb 7: Pensacola, FL
Feb 9-14: EF! Organizers Conference/Winter Rendezvous in Glades County, FL
Feb 14: Lake Worth, FL
Feb 16: Sarasota, FL
Feb 17: Gainesville, FL
Feb 21: Cincinnati, OH
Feb 22-23: Columbus, OH
Feb 24-6: Chicago, IL


Here’s what Karen is offering:

“Celebrating 30 years of putting the Earth First!” a history of EF! through slides, video, story and poetry, from someone who’s been there for nearly all of it. Presentation and discussion.                   (about 2 hours)

If there is interest in making a longer day out of it (or a two day schedule), she can also host workshops on: strategic campaign planning; media strategy for activists; and monitoring industrial use of public land (using the Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project as a model)

Info about Karen Coulter: Karen has been involved in Earth First! since 1984 and is the current director of the Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project, a grassroots organizations which monitors Federal agencies policy’s of logging and toxic herbicide-spraying on public lands in Eastern Oregon. She has been an activist on environmental, anti-nuclear and social justice issues since 1980, working for groups such as the American Friends Service Committee against the MX missile.

She was present at the first EF! Organizers Conference/Winter Rendezvous, was part of several of EF! historical campaigns such as Redwood Summer and Cove/Mallard and has been arrested at least 13 times for civil disobedience. In 1993 she was given the William O. Douglas award for Courage in Activism by Oregon Natural Resources Council. Coulter is also a current board member of the League of Wilderness Defenders and Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment, and was a former board member of the Fund for Wild Nature. She has a B.A. in English and Psychology from Reed College.

Karen Coulter is the author of the book The Rule of Property, co-author of Branded With Desire and a contributor to the Earth First! Journal. She is currently working on a new book exploring the role of property in the rise of corporate power. Click here for more information and reviews of The Rule of Property.

Branded With Desire: Warrior Poetry for Earth First! Round River Rendezous 1980-Present, By Dennis Fritzinger and Karen Coulter “a poetic journal from 30 years of EF! Rendezvous and Actions!” (available through the Earth First! Journal)

Blue Mountain Biodiversity Project volunteers survey an Eastern Oregon forest for protection from logging

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