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Shujaat Bukhari
Srinagar based Journalist/Writer ; I read non fiction, current affairs. Retweets not an endorsement ; Editor-in-Chief Rising Kashmir
Srinagarrisingkashmir.comCsatlakozás: 2009. november

Shujaat Bukhari Tweetjei

India slams UN report on Kashmir, calls it fallacious and tendentious, and violates India's sovereignty:
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For the first time ever UN Human Rights office publishes 49 page report on Kashmir, slams both India and Pakistan for violations on both sides of the LoC, calls for India to repeal AFSPA, release political prisoners, enquiry etc. Awaiting @MEAIndia response
Some of the key points from report on human rights violations in Kashmir – Impunity for human rights violations and lack of access to justice, in the first ever report on the gruesome human rights situation in Kashmir. #UNonkashmir
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“Impunity for human rights violations and lack of access to justice are key human rights challenges in the state of Jammu and Kashmir,” says UN Human Rights in its first-ever report on the human rights situation in #Kashmir . Read more:
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is one of the most respected journalists, he has mentored many young journalists in the valley, people should go through his reportage before really passing any comments on him-
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It is unfortunate that a credible think tank like @orfonline should allow this diatribe in absence of the person referred to. In #Kashmir we have done Journalism with pride and will continue to highlight what happens on ground. @samirsaran
A Ranganathan criticises for being a biased editor when it comes to Kashmir reporting.
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In which @ARanganathan72 rips apart biased media reportage from the #Kashmir valley with one sample case of an editor who does not practice what he preaches. At the @orfonline panel discussion on ‘Fourth Estate at the Frontlines’ while ‘Tackling Insurgent Ideologies’. Must watch!
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It is unfortunate that a credible think tank like should allow this diatribe in absence of the person referred to. In #Kashmir we have done Journalism with pride and will continue to highlight what happens on ground.
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A Ranganathan says that @bukharishujaat said publicly when it comes to Prophet Mohammad (SAW) he is proud to be intolerant. In religion there is no absolute tolerance and a line has been drawn. He says he takes quasi Islamist stance and hence has biased reportage on Kashmir.
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Journalists shouldnt indulge in advocacy or activism. As humans we all have biases. As sahafis we balance them by taking all versions of the story. Challenge is social media as u rightly say @nidkirm @Mahim_Maher
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Válasz @MahimMaher felhasználónak
Journalists can and do indulge in advocacy and activism. They have tilts. They always did & do. It's natural. However when reporting/editing both sides hv to be reported, with at least a semblance of neutrality.The blurry area is social media, actually. Who are we when we tweet?