
Latest health news

Dozens dead in flu outbreak

Flu season is gathering pace.

A spike in emergency admissions for influenza has signalled that the flu season is gathering pace, with a strain that is tearing through aged care centres.

Parents warned on golden staph symptoms

Hundreds of children are going to hospital with golden staph infections in their blood each year.

The first sign in your child might be a skin infection, fever, or a wound that won't heal. Or maybe one of their joints or bones - a knee or elbow, perhaps - is persistently sore.

The doctors most likely to skip approvals

The revelations have put added pressure on NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner.

Some medical specialties are more inclined to disregard guidelines on antibiotic use, with orthopaedic surgeons at Royal North Shore Hospital the top offenders among those who skipped the approval process for restricted drugs.

The secret admission at the heart of the hospital scandals

<i>Photo: AFP</i>

"Do patients need to be informed?" The outrageous suggestion tears at the edges of an extraordinary week for the state's health system that saw announced the exposure of three critical medical errors at three separate Sydney hospitals.

The super responders whose genes might unlock cancer's secrets

Bronwyn Grout, now 42, was given a maximum of five years to live when she was 31. But she's a super responder - someone ...

 In the three months between the post-miscarriage ultrasound that first found the mass in her abdomen and the surgery that finally identified it, the cancer grew from six centimetres to more than eleven, sprouted cancer-spreading fluid and caused her increasing pain. So when Bronwyn Grout woke from surgery to learn both her ovaries had been removed and she had a stage three ovarian cancer— and she would be lucky to survive five years—she was scared but not entirely surprised. The surprise came later.

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