Federal Politics

Conroy quietly exits politics for expected business role

Stephen Conroy's reisignation blind-sided many in the Labor Party.

Labor's deputy senate leader Stephen Conroy appears headed for the corporate world after taking his entire party by surprise, including Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Acting Leader Tanya Plibersek, with a low-key, late-night resignation just two weeks into his six-year term.

Julian Leeser: young fogey and constitution lover

Julian Leeser delivers his first speech at Parliament House on Wednesday.

Julian Leeser is a federalism freak, young fogey, Gilbert& Sullivan tragic and policy nerd who dates his ambition to enter Parliament to about his 10th birthday, for which he asked his parents for a copy of the Australian constitution.

The dark side of Australia's border protection success

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.

 Amir never had a birth certificate, or a passport, or anything else that provided proof of who he was until he received his P-plate driver's licence after being released from immigration detention on a bridging visa while his claim for refugee status was assessed.

Hanson's second maiden speech mirrors her first

Senator Pauline Hanson delivers her first speech in the Senate on Wednesday afternoon.

In 1996 Pauline Hanson made her entry to parliament felt with an incendiary speech which declared Aboriginal Australians were given unfair advantages compared to non-Indigenous Australians - or "mainstream Australians" as she called them - and famously declared the country was being "swamped by Asians."

Hanson delivers fiery maiden speech

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson in the Senate.

Greens Senators have walked out of Pauline Hanson's incendiary first speech to the Senate, where she claimed the nation was "in danger of being swamped by Muslims".