Theresa May MP

Member of Parliament for Maidenhead

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This is the website for Theresa May’s work as Member of Parliament for Maidenhead. For details of her role as Prime Minister please click here.

It has been a privilege to serve the people of Maidenhead since 1997 as your Member of Parliament. I shall be posting all of the latest news on local issues and campaigns here frequently, so please stop by whenever possible to keep up to date. I always enjoy hearing from constituents on both local and national issues, so please get in touch with your comments, or if you feel I can be of any assistance to you.

Theresa May's signature

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Latest news

Theresa welcomes the news of improved broadband services in Wargrave

Theresa May was delighted to hear that Wargrave will be benefiting from improved broadband later this year. Virgin Media announced that following the village competition that they recently ran, they are planning to upgrade Wargrave with a new fibre network later this year. This comes at the same time that Gigaclear have confirmed that they have enough interested households to install fibre to the premises in the more rural parts of the parish, Crazies Hill and Cockpole Green. They project installation over the next 6 months or so.Read More

Theresa visits Maidenhead Waterways project

Theresa May has visited the Maidenhead Waterways project to view the latest progress and receive an update on the next stages of the development. The project aims to restore and enlarge the neglected town centre waterways and bring them back into use for boating, walking, cycling and fishing. Theresa has strongly supported the plan and regularly visited the site.Read More

Theresa's statement on becoming Prime Minister

Theresa May has been appointed as Prime Minister by HM The Queen. Speaking outside 10 Downing Street, she said: “David Cameron has led a One Nation Government, and it is in that spirit that I also plan to lead… We will make Britain a country that works not for a privileged few but for every one of us. That will be the mission of the Government I lead, and together we will build a better Britain.” Read More

Theresa’s statement on becoming leader of the Conservative Party

Theresa May made the following statement after confirmation of her selection as leader of the Conservative Party: “I am honoured and humbled to have been chosen by the Conservative Party to become its leader. I would like to pay tribute to the other candidates during the election campaign, and I would like to pay tribute to Andrea Leadsom for the dignity that she has shown today. During this campaign, my case has been based on three things. First, the need for strong, proven leadership to steer us through what will be difficult and uncertain economic and political times. The need of course to negotiate the best deal for Britain in leaving the EU and to forge a new role for ourselves in the world. Brexit means Brexit and we’re going to make a success of it. Second, we need to unite our country. And third, we need a strong, new, and positive vision for the future of our country. A vision of a country that works not for the privileged few but works for every one of us. Because we’re going to give people more control over their lives. That’s how together we will build a better Britain.” Read More

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Latest photos

With members of the festival committee at Maidenhead Festival With members of the festival committee at Maidenhead Festival

Theresa visits guide dog owners, trainers and representatives from Guide Dogs for the Blind outside St Mary's Church Hall in Maidenhead Theresa visits guide dog owners, trainers and representatives from Guide Dogs for the Blind outside St Mary's Church Hall in Maidenhead

Joining Braywick Charitable Trust's 20th Anniversary Celebrations at Braywick Heath Nursery and Garden Centre in Maidenhead Joining Braywick Charitable Trust's 20th Anniversary Celebrations at Braywick Heath Nursery and Garden Centre in Maidenhead

Opening the new site at Oldfield School in Bray Opening the new site at Oldfield School in Bray

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