GreensCompte certifié


The Australian Greens Authorised by Giz Watson & Penny Allman-Payne, 23/85 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra

Inscrit en août 2007

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  1. I'm at alternative vision for Bondi Pavilion. Tune in live to hear about community cultural future.

  2. Needs based funding required, not government excuses for funding cuts via

  3. Melbourne train overcrowding worsens, again... | Australian Greens

  4. So it's just the Greens and the people who use the port then. Box shipping condemn price paid for Melbourne lease

  5. On the Prime Minister's ridiculous pitch for a seat at the UN Human Rights Council:

  6. ACT Greens to push for phase-out of fossil fuel ACTION buses

  7. pretty speeches abroad, human rights violations at home: and i on the PM's human rights bid:

  8. We are headed for zero emissions. So stop investing in fossil fuel infrastructure. ACT Greens to stop gas rollout

  9. All gave name 'Karen Silkwood', after nuclear plant worker/ union activist killed in suspicious circumstances after exposing safety breaches

  10. It is 50 years since the Pine Gap US spy base was established. Here's a photo from 1983 - women invading the base in protest. 111 arrested.

  11. Treasury willfully ignorant of climate change & housing affordability crisis when drawing up their corporate plan.

  12. Min Scullion says won't support justice target coz justice is state responsibility, existing targets are too, just an excuse

  13. The provision of adequate, affordable housing is the obligation of government. Full release:

  14. The Coalition method: strangle public services and then gloat that they are ineffective while pushing privatisation.

  15. In promoting social housing privatisation the Productivity Commission backs a loser.

  16. Great to be with my Greens colleague and Spokesperson for the Environment Mehreen Faruqi at yesterday's Saving...

  17. Some of the victims from BPs last oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We can't let them do that here in the Great Aust Bight.

  18. are designed for addiction and destroy lives, yet govt uses them as a revenue stream. disgusting

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