Sample Code & Libraries

The Sample Code & Libraries Catalog provides a listing of code, SDKs, sample applications, and other tools available to for use by the AWS developer community.

Showing 1-25 of 376 results.
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These samples demonstrate how to use the Amazon S3 browser-based uploads using POST and the Yahoo! User Interface Library to create an asynchronous client-side file upload.
Last Modified: Apr 26, 2016 16:43 PM GMT
If you are installing and configuring your applications on EC2 dynamically at instance launch time, you will typically need to pull and install packages, deploy files and ensure services are started. AWS CloudFormation provides a set of helper scripts that, in conjunction with resource metadata defined in the template, can be used to install software and start services when you build your stack.
Last Modified: Apr 22, 2016 19:26 PM GMT
Samples written in Java and Ruby using the AWS Flow Framework to illustrate Amazon SWF usage
Last Modified: Mar 31, 2016 17:48 PM GMT
Simply unzip the zip file into a directory and use the individual scripts such as and The archive comes with a more extensive README file that explains how to use these tools in more detail. Having problems or questions? Please post to the Amazon SES Forum where we will be happy to help.

NOTE: Amazon SES no longer maintains these scripts. Please see the note under About these scripts below.
Last Modified: Sep 29, 2015 1:31 AM GMT
Curl is a popular command-line tool for interacting with HTTP services. This Perl script calculates the proper Amazon CloudFront authentication signature, then calls Curl with the appropriate arguments.
Last Modified: Aug 20, 2015 16:48 PM GMT
This version of the EB CLI has been deprecated and a newer version is available. See the link below for the updated version and documentation.
Last Modified: Jul 1, 2015 23:32 PM GMT

An internet advertising company operates a data warehouse using Hive and Amazon Elastic MapReduce. This company runs machines in Amazon EC2 that serve advertising impressions and redirect clicks to the advertised sites. The machines running in Amazon EC2 store each impression and click in log files pushed to Amazon S3.

Last Modified: Apr 29, 2015 17:47 PM GMT
The Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts for Linux are sample scripts for monitoring memory and disk space utilization on your Amazon EC2 instances running Linux.
Last Modified: Apr 8, 2015 20:43 PM GMT
ItemSimilarity is a simple Hadoop streaming Python application that attempts to find similar items for each item in the input dataset. This example application finds similar artists using the Audioscrobbler user playlist dataset and Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
Last Modified: Feb 24, 2015 21:38 PM GMT
This tutorial shows you how to develop a simple, log parsing application using Pig and Amazon Elastic MapReduce. The tutorial walks you through using Pig interactively (via SSH) on a subset of your data, which enables you to prototype your script quickly. The tutorial then takes you through uploading the script to Amazon S3 and running on a larger set of input data.
Last Modified: Feb 24, 2015 21:37 PM GMT
Analyze your Apache logs using Pig and Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
Last Modified: Feb 24, 2015 21:37 PM GMT
This document provides a quick guide on how to use Elastic MapReduce to develop, debug, and run job flows that have multiple steps.
Last Modified: Feb 24, 2015 21:32 PM GMT
Download page for EMR's Ruby Command Line Interface. NOTE: This is now deprecated. Please see below
Last Modified: Jan 9, 2015 23:42 PM GMT
The token vending machine (TVM) is a server-based reference application that serves temporary credentials to remote clients to sign web requests to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The TVM is particularly useful for mobile client devices that use temporary credentials to access AWS. Both the AWS SDK for Android and the AWS SDK for iOS provide a sample client, which your mobile application can use to access the TVM and receive security tokens.
Last Modified: Sep 24, 2014 19:32 PM GMT
The token vending machine (TVM) is a server-based reference application that serves temporary credentials to remote clients to sign web requests to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The TVM is particularly useful for mobile client devices that use temporary credentials to access AWS. Both the AWS SDK for Android and the AWS SDK for iOS provide a sample client, which your mobile application can use to access the TVM and receive security tokens.
Last Modified: Sep 24, 2014 19:31 PM GMT
Sample application showing how to use the TVM with Mobile Applications.
Last Modified: Sep 24, 2014 19:28 PM GMT
A BIND zone file describes a DNS zone in a common text-based format. This Perl script converts a BIND zone file to ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest XML used to add or remove records from Route 53.
Last Modified: Jan 31, 2014 0:46 AM GMT
Travel Log is a code sample that demonstrates how to use Amazon Web Services in a Java Web application. It uses Amazon S3 to store trip photos and a Java Persistence API to store journal entries and photo metadata in Amazon SimpleDB.
Last Modified: Nov 8, 2013 16:19 PM GMT
Simple and extendable Node.js library to access Amazon Web Services - currently implemented are specfic clients for EC2 and the Product Advertising API.
Last Modified: Oct 30, 2013 23:47 PM GMT
This article shows how to use EMR to efficiently export DynamoDB tables to S3, import S3 data into DynamoDB, and perform sophisticated queries across tables stored in both DynamoDB and other storage services such as S3.
Last Modified: Sep 26, 2013 0:23 AM GMT
This article and code sample is targeted at system architects, system administrators, and security professionals who want to integrate Shibboleth with Amazon Web Services (AWS). It describes federation proxy approach to giving users Single Sign On (SSO) access to on-premises resources and the AWS Management Console.
Last Modified: Sep 26, 2013 0:22 AM GMT
With the launch of the new API, the previous cannot be used due to the new signing scheme. calculates the proper Amazon CloudFront authentication signature V4, then calls Curl with the appropriate arguments.
Last Modified: Jun 20, 2013 23:13 PM GMT
Curl is a popular command-line tool for interacting with HTTP services. This Perl script calculates the proper signature, then calls Curl with the appropriate arguments.
Last Modified: Dec 5, 2012 17:59 PM GMT
Curl is a popular command-line tool for interacting with HTTP services. This Perl script calculates the proper signature, then calls Curl with the appropriate arguments.
Last Modified: Dec 5, 2012 17:56 PM GMT
This is a C# sample that demonstrates how to create a federation proxy enabling Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers to leverage their existing Windows Active Directory users to Single Sign-On (SSO) to the AWS Management Console.
Last Modified: Nov 29, 2012 2:18 AM GMT
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