- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 803
Coordinates: 1°N 38°E / 1°N 38°E / 1; 38
Kenya (/ˈkɛnjə/; locally [ˈkɛɲa]), officially the Republic of Kenya, is a country in Africa and a founding member of the East African Community (EAC). Its capital and largest city is Nairobi. Kenya's territory lies on the equator and overlies the East African Rift covering a diverse and expansive terrain that extends roughly from Lake Victoria to Lake Turkana (formerly called Lake Rudolf) and further south-east to the Indian Ocean. It is bordered by Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, South Sudan to the north-west, Ethiopia to the north and Somalia to the north-east. Kenya covers 581,309 km2 (224,445 sq mi), and had a population of approximately 45 million people in July 2014.
Kenya has a warm and humid tropical climate on its Indian Ocean coastline. The climate is cooler in the savannah grasslands around the capital city, Nairobi, and especially closer to Mount Kenya, which has snow permanently on its peaks. Further inland, in the Nyanza region, there is a hot and dry climate which becomes humid around Lake Victoria, the largest tropical fresh-water lake in the world. This gives way to temperate and forested hilly areas in the neighboring western region. The north-eastern regions along the border with Somalia and Ethiopia are arid and semi-arid areas with near-desert landscapes. Kenya is known for its safaris, diverse climate and geography, and expansive wildlife reserves and national parks such as the East and West Tsavo National Park, the Maasai Mara, Lake Nakuru National Park, and Aberdares National Park. Kenya has several world heritage sites such as Lamu and numerous beaches, including in Diani, Bamburi and Kilifi, where international yachting competitions are held every year.
African Online Radio | World,World Asia,World Africa | Kenya |
Ghetto Radio 89.5 | Varied | Kenya |
KASS online | World Africa | Kenya |
apana990 | Bollywood | Kenya |
KamemeFM | World Africa | Kenya |
Le Kenya et la Tanzanie effectuent ces jours-ci un recensement conjoint de la faune sauvage dans le Parc National d'Amboseli, près de la frontière entre les deux pays d'Afrique de l'Est. Il s'agit d'évaluer la taille de la population des différentes espèce et d'étudier leurs déplacements. Les experts responsables de l'opération soulignent que la principale menace pour cette faune, et pour l'écosystème dans lequel elle vit, est l'être humain. Durée:01:14
L'histoire commence au mois d'avril dans la réserve du Masaï Mara au Kenya. Cette année, la saison des pluies tarde à venir et les proies commencent à . La savane africaine reportage Animaux Sauvage 2014 documentaire 2014,, documentaire choc,, documentaire arte,, documentaire histoire,, documentaire . votre j'aime et votre abonnement svp Pythonzilla, crocozilla : les méga prédateurs Cette semaine, Mac Lesggy s'intéresse aux reptiles. et plus précisément à .
L'histoire commence au mois d'avril dans la réserve du Masaï Mara au Kenya. Cette année, la saison des pluies tarde à venir et les proies commencent à manquer. Lors d'une chasse, Simba, mère attentionnée qui s'occupe bien de ses petits, s'est cassée une patte. Il lui est désormais impossible de se procurer elle-même sa nourriture, et, diminuée, elle a bien du mal à se faire une place parmi le clan au moment des repas. À la même période, les autruchons, les petites hyènes et les girafons font, tout comme les lionceaux, l'apprentissage difficile de la vie. Malenko, quant à lui, fait la rencontre sans heurts d'un crocodile tandis que N'Gaya, la girafe, le corps attaqué par les blessures laisse les oiseaux et les parasites essayer de la soigner. Liaram et Sankao, les frères de Talek, inséparab...
La hyène tachetée se trouve dans la savane et les régions semi-desertiques. Elle aime aussi se réfugier dans les grottes ou dans des trous près du sol. Les hyènes ont une très mauvaise réputation. C'est peut-être à cause de leur habitude de suivre des antilopes qui vont mettre bas pour manger le nouveau-né ! Et parfois même elles n'hésitent pas à tuer la mère qui vient tenter de sauver sa progéniture !
Série documentaire - 1994 - Les chronique de l'afrique sauvage pour les générations futures Dans la savane du Masai Mara / serengetti Acteurs: - Wemba la lionne et son clan dans lequel vivent notamment Simba - et ses petits ainsi que sa sœur Kigori - Douma la femelle guépard elle avec ses enfants - Les frères de Talek, Liaram et Sankao, deux guépards - Jumbé le Gnou mâle dominant du grand troupeau - Haraka l'éléphanteau âgé de huit mois - N'Gaya la girafe couverte de blessures Keni l'impala la mort de Malenko l'hippopotame mâle Tinga le petit damalisque - Tompo le lion solitaire - Kitok le lion mâle de la troupe du Sud - Karanja le Rhinocéros mâle - Éronko la fille de Mary le rhinocéros noir
Dans le village d'Umoja, qui jouxte le parc national de Samburu, au Kenya, il n'y a que des femmes. Fuyant les mutilations sexuelles, les mariages forcés et la violence conjugale, elles ont trouvé refuge dans ce havre de paix fondé en 1990.
Lions, éléphants, girafes, gazelles, buffles, phacochères, guépard, gnoux... etc Dans la vidéos vous aurez la chance de voir une chasse de lion et vers le milieux de la vidéos un lion à 1m de notre jeep qui était grande ouverte (fenêtre, toit ouvrant...). En vérité il y a 55 min de film et 25 min de photos (à la fin). Les photos ont été prises avec un Pentex donc haute qualité garantie ;) bon visionnage.
In this film Wild Frontiers, Jonny Bealby, explains about tourism in Kenya. Here is the text... Jonny here, right now I am at Borana Ranch, high on the Laikipia Plateau, in the lee of Mount Kenya. And in this short film I am going to talk about tourism in Kenya. If I asked what's the first thing you think about when turning your mind to travel in this colourful East African country, you'd almost certainly say wildlife. And of course you'd be right as over 80 percent of holidays here will have a wildlife element. From the Marsabit National Park in the north, to the Masai Mara and Amboseli National Parks in the south, the planes of Kenya are teeming with wildlife or all shapes and sizes offering, along with its neighbour Tanzania, the best place in the world to view game. And if you throw i...
Kenya, with its numerous natural wonders gives a tourist the joy of a seaside holiday and the thrills of a safari. One can sit in the shade of a palm tree and swim in the emerald green water of the Indian Ocean, which runs out to the white, sandy beaches. We can take a look at Mombasa, most important port of Eastern Africa, the city of the Tusk Gate and the Jesus Fort. How about a typical African safari to Tsavo? Naturally, in the meantime we can meet elephants, lions, giraffes and dolphins. We can marvel at the 13th century city of Gedi. We can take a boat trip among the coral reefs of the sea national parks, or be amazed by the war dance of the Masai people, and can have a dinner at a coral cave.
Travel video about destination Kenya. Founded by Alexander The Great in 332 B.C., the city of Alexandria is located in the Nile Delta and it was here that Caesar and Mark Anthony fell under Cleopatra’s spell.Cairo is Africa’s largest city and the heart of the Arab world, extreme poverty living next to opulent wealth, and modern, Western boutiques next to ancient souks. The Cairo Museum is home to the most extensive collection of Egyptian antiquities, including the golden mask and tomb of Tutankamun. Towering above almost any other human achievement are the impressive three pyramids of Gisa. The Cheops Pyramid, the world’s largest single construction, took four hundred thousand workers twenty years to build. It weighs as much as all the cathedrals in Europe put together and spans an area of...
Kenya Travel. Kenya Travel Video. Top 10 Tourist attractions in Kenya. Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn Omega Tours Co., LTD Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam Website: http://Omegatours.vn Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library. Photos Credit: Updating....
A fly into Mombasa. I see the giant tusks, see a Hindu Temple, visit the old slave market, now a spice market and then take a trip on the ferry.
Travel video about destination Nairobi in Kenya. Nairobi is Kenya's busy, expensive yet dangerous capital city. It is also both fascinating and modern. Nairobi is the country's most important and beautiful city and with the finest temperate climate between Johannesburg and Cairo, is located at an altitude of almost 1,700 metres above sea level. The government district of City Square contains the Conference Centre and the Kanu Tower, the headquarters of government and the city's tallest building. Canons guard the main entrance to the National Museum that is situated on Museum Hill, a fascinating building that covers much of Kenya's culture and history. The museum provides an interesting insight into Pre-history as well as to various cultures and the country's flora and fauna. Directly i...
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Trip to Zimbabwe, Kenya & Tanzania 2016 - Travel Guide to Zimbabwe, Kenya & Tanzania (HD 1080p) Sponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com )) Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Zimbabwe is a country in Southern Africa. It is landlocked and is surrounded by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the Southwest, Zambia to the Northwest, and Mozambique to the east and north. The Zambezi river forms the natural boundary with Zambia and when in full flood (February-April) the massive Victoria Falls on the river forms the world's largest curtain of falling water. The Victoria Falls are a major tourist attraction. Once known as the Breadbasket of Africa, since 2000, Zimbabwe has undergone an economic collapse and th...
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Travel Guide to Kenya http://bit.ly/14sENRX Every year one and a half million wildebeest accompanied by vast numbers of zebra, trek north from the Serengeti in search of the lush sweet grasses of the Mara, followed by the many large predators. Robin Taylor explores the reserve's rich wildlife. Tags: A Guide to the Maasai Mara Reserve in Kenya,african odyssey,African wildlife,kenya travel guide,Kenya wildlife,maasai mara kenya,maasai mara national reserve,robin taylor,south-western kenya,susan walker Travel Guide to the Maasai Mara Reserve in Kenya
The pressure is on - the wolf is at the door
All the ghosts that haunt my life are screaming out for more
I try to fight them
But I just can't win
I'm always on the outsied
Always tryin' to get in
Tell me again of what love can bring oh-oh
I was touched by a savage moon
I was kissed by a burning sky
I can run away but there's nowhere to hide
I'll be running 'til the day I die
Well there's a civil war that's raging
Raging in my soul
C'mon hold me close
Save me from the cold
If you take a chance
I'll take one too
It won't be that hard
When we've got nothing to lose
Weave me a tale where love is true
If I could believe in fairytales
A life of happy endings that would never ever fail
Tell me a story where love is true