Monthly Archives: September 2011

@OccupyWallSt continues strong into a second week

The NYPD cracked down on Wall Street Occupiers on Saturday 24th September – there were around 100 arrests and some of the vision of police brutality is quite shocking. Despite this the occupation continues. What is interesting is just how … Continue reading

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Filed under The road map to another world

I like your old stuff better than your new stuff, so let’s #takewallstreet

I received a beautiful gift from my partner this week, a book called Posters for the People. It contains hundreds of prints of posters created by artists working in the Works Progress Administration, a cornerstone of President Roosevelt’s New Deal. … Continue reading


Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today, The road map to another world

Poetry as an argument for something different

Last weekend I was at the Queensland Poetry Festival, supporting Australia’s most talented poet, Chloe Wilson (disclaimer: I may be somewhat biased). Lean in a bit closer to the screen, I want to let you in on a little secret … Continue reading


Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today, The road map to another world