

Garments Against Women

Garments Against Women cover

Forthcoming: publishing date 17th June 2016, Mute Books.

First published by Ahsahta Press, 2015.

ISBN: (paperback) 978-1-906496-38-8 price £14 16 €
ISBN: (hardback) 978-1-906496-76-0 price £26 35 €
ISBN: (ebook) 978-1-906496-39-5 price £8 10 €

Bundle - paperback and eBook format
Bundle £19 21 €

104 pages, 148mm x 210mm (A5), black and white with colour covers.

War by Any Means

Rose-Anne Gush examines Sidsel Meineche Hansen’s Second Sex War through the lens of the female body and its concealed labour power in the high-tech gaming and porn spectacle


When the Streets Run Red: For a 21st-Century Anti-Lynching Movement

The heterogeneous elements of the Black Lives Matter movement are fighting white supremacy by confronting gendered domination, capitalism, and the repressive apparatuses of the state. Erin Gray traces the critical impulse of the current movement against anti-black violence to the legacy of Ida B. Wells’s radical anti-lynching campaigns, and suggests that the fiercest opposition to police terror in the US has always been against the law


You Must Make Your Death Public: a collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus

You Must Make Your Death Public: a collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus

You Must Make Your Death Public: a collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus

Edited by Mira Mattar

Buy on Amazon: UK £10 

PDF download

Nymphomaniac: Sex Against Gender

Still from Nymphomaniac: Walther PPK

Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac considers the feasibility of love with men, and whether heterosexual fucking – or abjuring it – can be women’s self-propulsion into the making of history


The Gender Rift in Communisation

In a contested 'swerve' in debates around communisation, issues of gender, class and race are coming to the fore. Reviewing key texts in this debate, P. Valentine discusses the material basis of the gender distinction in capitalism, and its centrality to class exploitation


A discussion of gender distinction within capitalism by Roland Simon of Theorie Communiste.

Originally posted here:http://libcom.org/library/gender-distinction-progr...

When Nothing is Produced

Bourgeois society's reduction of sexuality to the logic of (re)production results in a series of rigid dichotomies. Drawing on a rich history of radical theory, Marcel Stoetzler rejects sexual dimorphism and the gay/straight split to imagine a sexuality that is free to recreate itself

Gender Dimensions of Floss Development

Collage > Raquel Perez de Eulate

The FLOSS ideal of equality, inclusivity and freeness is sadly let down by the gender imbalance of its participants, with women comprising just over 1 percent of FLOSS developers. Yuwei Lin analyses the causes of the gender digital divide and suggests a way to help close it


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