
Radical Net Cultures - Seminar Leuphana University

By Clemens Apprich and Simon Worthington, 2 November 2012


Part of the Radical Net Cultures seminar, Leuphana University by Clemens Apprich and Simon Worthington, assisted by Nicolas Stille.
Mute in Conversation with Nettime (Pit Schultz) (Digital Publishing Feature)
By Pauline van Mourik Broekman, 10 January 1997
Class notes on Storify 
1. Session: 15. 10. 2012 (1 1/2 h) 14:15 bis 15:45
Introduction (Clemens/Simon)
Allocation of Presentations (Clemens/Simon)
Introduction to online Reading - Tool (Clemens/Simon)
2. Session: 22. 10. 2012 (1 1/2 h) 14:15 bis 15:45
Theory (Clemens): Enzensberger/Baudrillard
3. Session: 05. 11. 2012 (3h) 14:00 bis 18:30
Text I & II (Simon): Pit Schultz: The Origins of the Nettime Mailing List: & The Amsterdam Agenda:
4. Session: 19. 11. 2012 (3h) 14:00 bis 18:30
Tactical Media/Hacktivism
Text III & IV (Clemens): Geert Lovink and David Garcia : The ABC of Tactical Media: & Interview mit Katja Diefenbach:
5. Session: 03. 12. 2012 (3h) 14:00 bis 18:30
Text V & VI (Simon): Brian Holmes: Unleashing the Collective Phantoms: 
Caroline Basset: With a little help from our friends:
6. Session: 17. 12. 2012 (3h) 14:00 bis 18:30
Alternative Netzwerke
Text VII & VIII (Clemens): Felix Stalder: Selbermachen statt teilnehmen: Dmytri Kleiner & Brian Wyrick: Info-Enclosure 2.0:
7. Session: 07. 01. 2013 (3h) 14:00 bis 18:30
Filmscreening/Hacklab (Clemens/Simon): We are Legion (2012):



Part of the Radical Net Cultures seminar, Leuphana University by Clemens Apprich and Simon Worthington, assisted by Nicolas Stille. 2012-13