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2403 Pine Creek Yarrabah Rd SECOND BEACH, East Trinity QLD 4871

Property Summary

4 beds, 3 baths, 3 parking

Property Summary
$595,000 Offers (under offer)
Property type:
East Trinity
Building area:
348 sqm
Land area:
1012 sqm
Sustainability Declaration:
2403 pine creek yarrabah rd second beach east trinity QLD 4871
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2403 Pine Creek Yarrabah Rd SECOND BEACH, East Trinity QLD 4871

Sensational Views - Absolute Beachfront Tri-level Residence

Every single buyer who walks through the front door is amazed at the stunning views that this property offers from all levels.
This absolute beachfront tri-level residence offers commanding views across the Coral Sea to Cairns and the surrounding hillsides. The residence is situated at Second Beach, just 45 minutes from the city centre via a picturesque drive past cane fields, farms and the adjacent coastline. Situated on the leeward side of the mountain with a rainforest backdrop this home is protected from the prevailing south easterly afternoon breezes. The residence is set on an elevated 1012 m² block being in a private position with a park reserve on one side which is effectively a natural watercourse and a vacant lot to the east.
An interesting contemporary design built in the late 1970’s with entry past a tropical inground pool and adjacent entertaining area to the residence. The main level has an internal garden feature and atrium at the entry providing a breezeway to keep the house cool, with the master bedroom on the top level with private balcony. The open plan design lounge and living area is ideal for entertaining with a small bar at the end of the kitchen. All of this opens out onto full width undercover balcony, drawing you to the waterfront to enjoy the views and the gentle breezes. There are two bedrooms on the main level, one with ensuite and the other with doors to the main balcony.
Downstairs offers a fully self contained fourth bedroom with kitchen bathroom, sitting area, deck, and a staircase leading to the beachfront.
Catch fish, prawns and mudcrabs from the front of your property, and the boat ramp is just up the road.
Two car garaged offstreet parking at the boundary with a concrete access driveway from the main road allowing for additional parking for guests.
The suburb is unique, offering a secluded lifestyle, fishing, and the views and sunsets that defines the small pocket of properties that is Second Beach.
In its heyday it was a sensational property, however today it is in need of an update.
This property really is a 'Must See' if you are considering absolute beachfront real estate at Second Beach. The owner is prepared to meet the market and sell. This will be a remarkable buy.

Price : $595,000 All serious offers considered

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  • Air conditioning
  • Balcony / Patio / Terrace
  • Ensuite
  • Ensuite(s)
  • Garden
  • Internal Laundry
  • Quiet Location
  • Secure parking
  • Swimming Pool
  • Views


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  • Inspections by appointment only
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The example price above is not indicative of the potential price of the property. This calculator is intended as a guide only based on the information you input. The results should not be considered approval for a loan. To find out your repayments please contact the Commonwealth Bank. The repayment amount is an estimate based on CommBank’s current standard variable rate for owner occupied home loans and assumes eligibility for Wealth Package or Mortgage Advantage package. Contact CommBank for current investment home loan rates. Qualifying and ongoing criteria apply to packages and an annual package fee applies. The calculation also assumes that interest rates do not change over the term of the loan and excludes any fees and charges that may be charged to your loan, for example, upfront establishment fee, monthly loan service fee and Lenders Mortgage Insurance/Low Deposit Premium which, if they apply, will add to the cost of loan. Other fees and charges also apply. The Bank will not lend more than 95% of its valuation of the security property. Interest rates and repayment amounts are subject to change. Applications for a home loan are subject to approval and satisfactory security. Full terms and conditions will be in our loan offer. #Comparison rates are calculated on a secured loan of $150,000 over 25 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.
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Premium Property Specialists
RLA: 3026830
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  • Grant Freeman
    Premium Property Specialists


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